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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default bug street fight

    Hi. You already have (and you know about it but you leave it as it is, because you say it doesn't have to much impact on the game) a bug with weapons: if a player deactivates and then reactivates a weapon, the player sees the full power in his screen while your system takes a few seconds to update the power. Now, this bug affects street fights also - example: a gang wants to do lets say mission 800k power. But they have 795k power. the leader asks for someone to put a weapon on or do a training or use stero. As soon as one of the trusts adds more power to the gang, the leader see the total power of the gang going over 800k and he smacks. But, your system takes a few seconds until he updates the total power and, in reality, the gang looses the street fight, because the system sees the 795k power at the time of smack, while the leader sees it over 800k (even if an admin checks the logs, the logs will show 795k). Even if the leader saw over 800k, this can happen for just a few seconds (if the leader of the gang waits 1 minute, then he will have no problem with sf).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Who is the you in your story ?! Never mind ....

    Use ticket support for things you think are bugs. Thank you !
    Last edited by Bebynho20; 09-18-2022 at 11:19 PM.



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