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  1. #1

    Default need help from old / PRO players

    Hello all!!
    hope old/pro players can answer my question because i couldnt find answers on game guide
    i have a question about gang members assault

    1- can anyone attack me if i logged off my account while in a gang?
    2- if yes, the attacker must be trust member?
    3- can someone attack me if im a trust member?
    4- how can i protect myself from gang attacks?
    5- how can i attack someone from my gang i cant find an attack button or anything

    thank youuu!

  2. #2


    anyone can help please?

  3. #3


    come on , no one has an answer?

  4. #4


    49 views and not a single answer?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    1- can anyone attack me if i logged off my account while in a gang?

    Every 4 game day, we have gang war. IF you are inside the gang as trusted member, if another gang challenges your gang, and if your gang leaders accepts the challenge, you may receive an attack. But you only lose gang points, and this can happen only 4 times per game day. And since the event comes every 4 game day, you are safe other 3 game days.

    But you do not receive single assault, if you are offline.

    2- if yes, the attacker must be trust member?

    Gang war is already explained. So, I pass.

    3- can someone attack me if im a trust member?

    People can attack you as single assault inside the rave. For single assault, nothing is related to trust.

    4- how can i protect myself from gang attacks?

    Well, you can speak with gang leader. If gang leader declines all gang war challenges, you and other members never receives gang war. Also, you can tell gang leader to kick you when they make gang wars.

    5- how can i attack someone from my gang i cant find an attack button or anything

    Inside raves, you can execute single assaults. You can attack anyone inside nightclubs. But you need to meet them. Under their nicks, you will see an Assault box appearing. You select assault and smack there.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  6. #6


    thank you for your answer!

    however, at the gang center there is this notification:
    "Remember, joining a gang is risky. You can be attacked by your fellow crew members so make sure you are always on your guard. Do not trust anyone when it comes to gangs, not even moderators. You are only safe from such attacks in Virtual Gangs."

    it means i can be attacked by my own gang members, this is no longer valid?
    if still valid ? how can i attack someone in my gang? and how can i protect myself from attackers?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello Ranger1,

    We have sabotage. You receive sabotage relation from the people you rob together in the same gang. So, they can sabotage you as well.

    Well, this is valid for Virtual gangs, too. So, I will try to correct it.

    Also, your gang mates can attack you in raves via single assault as well but this has no relation with being in the same gang.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]



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