I agree that it's annoying to have them on different timers, but i don't see how having them every 3 hours improves the 2 hours situation that we had before. For example, the most annoying thing was to wake up 2 times at night to take bids.

With bids every 4 hours, people will wake up just for 1 bid at night, the one at 19:40 TC time. With bids every 3 hours, people will need to wake up again 2 times(like before) for 11:40 and 23:40. So i don't see any advantage going to 3 hours. The timers can be easily learned with 4 hours so there are no problems imo.

1 day u have the first bid at 03:40 and second bid at 19:40 and the next day u have it first(and only one) at 11:40 and it repeats.