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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Exclamation Alpha bug reports

    Hello gangsters,

    We've launched a final version of the coming update to The Crims and you are all invited to test. You can head over to and sign up for testing. If you find any bugs or issues please report them in this thread. To make the bug hunting process as smooth as possible we ask you to include the following information in your bug report:

    1. Where did you find bug?
    Ex: gang center, at docks, alley, etc

    2. Your username
    who is reporting?

    3. Describe how to reproduce the bug, step by step
    You can use pictures or videos on youtube. Upload pictures here

    4. Device/browser tested on?
    Ex: iPhone 14 Pro Max
    Google Chrome Version 10.5

    Thank you! Crew
    Support Center

  2. #2


    1. Problems changing avatar(external avatar), I can't use avatars that are on my computer.

    2. ...



    I tested on 3 browsers

    Google Chrome
    Version 120.0.6099.225

    Brave Chromium
    Version 120.0.6099.234

    Microsoft Edge
    Version 120.0.2210.133

    Observation: The game's default avatars have poor resolution... sorry to comment!

    Bug #1
    Last edited by ScarFacee; 01-19-2024 at 11:34 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United Kingdom


    1. Where did you find bug?

    2. Your username

    3. Describe how to reproduce the bug, step by step
    No option to use items at single robs

    4. Device/browser tested on?
    Ex Game Manager
    [email protected]

  4. #4


    1. Where did you find bug?

    2. Your username

    3. Describe how to reproduce the bug, step by step
    I went to jail after attack, used credits to get out, got out but not released from jail and can't do anything now. I have a video, if needed I can send in Discord

    4. Device/browser tested on?
    PC, Google Chrome

  5. #5


    1. Where did you find bug?
    Virtual gang

    2. Your username

    3. Describe how to reproduce the bug, step by step
    I have joined virtual gang for AC robs, but there is no accept button, I have tried to log out, different browser, phone, rejoin different gang but it is still the same.

    4. Device/browser tested on?
    PC, Google Chrome

  6. #6


    1.Where did you find bug?
    hunting grounds

    2. your username

    3.Describe how to reproduce the bug, step by step
    when i enter hunting grounds i try to kill bot sometimes it just throws me out of the hunting ground then bugs all the time showing method not allowed then it jumps me to nightlife then again hunting grounds page i tried everything changed browsers cleaned cookies nothing changes and when i get in prison sometimes its just bugs red message method not allowed and can not do nothing just log out then it works again. Alot of bugs here to check.

    4.Device/browser tested on?
    PC, Google chrome , Vivaldi

  7. #7

    Thumbs up

    1. Where did you find bug?
    Bug in Nightlife

    2. Your username

    3. Describe how to reproduce the bug, step by step
    the bug occurs when i go to use stamina, it dies .

    4. Device/browser tested on?
    DESKTOP / Microsoft Edge
    Version 122.0.2365.66 (Compilação oficial) (64 bits

    It wasn't a bug, I'm the one who's dumb
    Last edited by memox; 04-04-2024 at 06:58 PM.

  8. #8

    Thumbs up

    Hi, first some things that may be due to the testing enviroment:

    1. 'University' can be done without waiting days. One can simply register presences consecutively until the quota, graduating in a single day.

    2. 'Game statistics' tab doesn't show the 'Top achievers' and 'Drug statistics' correctly.

    3. 'Past events' tab doesn't show anything.

    And two extra points:

    'Martial Arts District' stats bonus doesn't work on bots, as per design or bug?

    The new 'Hookers' interface is quite bad to use. Maybe give us an option to switch to list view?
    Last edited by memox; 04-04-2024 at 06:59 PM.

  9. #9


    1. Where did you find bug?

    2. Your username

    3. Describe how to reproduce the bug, step by step
    I started 3 sabotages this round, neither gave me a message of execution or show in the logs.

    4. Device/browser tested on?
    Desktop/Firefox 123.0.1

  10. #10


    1. Where did you find bug?
    Robbery/Virtual Gangs

    2. Your username

    3. Describe how to reproduce the bug, step by step
    Sometimes the Virtual Gangs don't show the 'Accept' button for the robbery.
    It happened various times during the round, with various gangs, but the last time was on day 40. Neither of the 2 'Oil Tycoon of Dubai' gangs allowed me to rob. The newly stated 'Bitcoin Bank' gangs didn't have that problem.

    I think it may have something to do with members logging out with an accepted rob, but can't confirm.

    4. Device/browser tested on?
    Desktop/Firefox 123.0.1



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