New Bank
Available starting day 35 the bank will allow players to make investments but it will come with its risks.

We will create 2 types of investments => [Investment Package’s]

  • Player invests between and 400.000.000.000 for 2 tc days with an interest of 6%
  • Player invests between 400.000.000.000 and for 4 tc days with an interest of 8%

NOTE : AS you can see they can invest between X and Y , it means that all sums between X and Y get the same interest

Now let’s make things interesting and risky for them .At first I was thinking of linking Black Thursday to this but I realized it will be difficult because the events will not coincide date wise and I do not want to give our devs too much work ,so the easy way is to create a new event

Hacker attack
( I could not think of a better name ) => [ Hacks Attacks ]
From day 35
Number of hacker attacks per round will be between 1 and 3
Description : The Crims Central Bank has suffered a cyber attack , our firewall was not able to stop this new age scoundrels. We are sorry to inform you that your savings might have taken a hit.

Interaction: Once this event hits the city they will lose 10% of the money invested. The event will not change the interest rate that means that basically their profit will be halved

Economic Boom

Once this event is in town your initial investment will go up by 1%. Should only affect the two new types of investments. Here I will have to ask the devs what is easier to alter, the initial money invested or the interes you get
Both investment will be influenced by districts and items
Current investment package should be available until day 34