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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Lightbulb Harbor old man should start to give us a better answer!

    TC bug.jpg

    Hello guys!
    I'm starting to play again this lovelly game, and as a UX and KoL lover i found somethings that i will post here to try to share my opinion to maybe bring some cool things to the game.
    The first one is about the limited boat in the harbor. As you can see on my screenshot, if i try to sell MORE DRUGS than the limit, the game shows me the same message if i have not the amount of drug that i'm trying to sell.
    I think it's a change that have almost 0 cost, because to change is no too complex, you just have to change the text in the code line that trigger this message, and doing this you can bring a better sense to what the game shows when a player try to do this action.
    I thing you can use something like:

    "You're high, what am I going to do with all this drugs?"
    "Either you bring only the drugs I asked you for, or no business..."

    Well, i think you got my point, ]the current message says that "I don't have the amount of drugs I'm trying to sell", but in reality I have more than the seller wants to buy, they are different things. I think it would be cool to adjust this to be more in line with the action.
    I hope that you like the suggestion!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Saudi Arabia


    Thank you for your suggestion.

    You are right, seems that the written text does not reflect the true reality of the sentence. However, our developer is currently busy with many other updates, but I will make sure to adds this text update to their task list.
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