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Thread: Bots e CHeaters

  1. #1

    Angry Bots e CHeaters

    Novo sistema de caça com bots está ótimo porém está Impossível jogar com esses boters e cheaters. São 3 cliques que o cara dá em miléssimos de segundo é humanamente impossível fazer isso.
    Eu fui morto sem mesmo ver o cara, eu cliquei para sair da sala, eu não vi ele, ele não teve tempo de me ver, mesmo assim eu apanhei por causa do bot de ataqueautmático, impossível jogar assim!
    Eu sou Platinum e compro créditos e vou parar de jogar se continuar esses cheaters!
    Nomes e ids de alguns deles: Stryker4fun ID:3097005 //// ReasoN ID: 16363167 /// scriptmaster ID: 18127834 //// Beta ID: 17760416 ////
    RottenMule346731 ID: 14411500 //// RottenMule346731 ID: 14411500 /// jlo ID:18139801

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello Abrasark,

    We are sorry to hear that you have been having difficulties on the game.

    On the game, please kindly be advised that there might be some delays inside raves to see who enters if you are inside rave.
    So, we usually advise you to enter and do your work and leave it fast. Or else, it is possible to get attacked.

    When you are inside the rave, it sometimes takes a bit longer for you to see the player who enters. And this might show you as if they use bot.

    Anyway, still, without checking their logs, we cannot exactly say that they use bot or not.

    For us to investigate their logs, please feel free to report them on our support center. Abuse team deal with tickets and check the players based on reports.
    Please also add the game day and game time when they smacked you suspicious and fast. So that, they will know what logs and what assault to check.

    When you click on below link, you can see Submit a ticket option.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]



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