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  1. #1

    Default Help me!!! HELP ME!!!

    Ol�, would like that admins helped me.... An idiotic friend, stole the password of my email and entered in the game of the TheCrims so to sacanear me... I do not know what he gave in it, but it bound here in house now, asking for excuses, that what wanted to make a trick and I do not know more... He counted that he entered in the The Crims with my account, to see as it was my statuses. Only that it started to full the bag of alguem seems, making Spam, and I (my account) was banished up to 2005-11-27 14:25:03. It would like to ask for a thousand excuses admins, and please, for the love of God, they take off me of this... I did not have guilt, wanted to ask for pardon, if they will be able to help me, I will be grateful... Please, they help me. Thanks!

    >>>>Ol�, gostaria que os admins me ajudassem....

    Um amigo idiota, roubou a senha do meu email e entrou no jogo do TheCrims so para me sacanear... N�o sei o que deu nele, mas ele ligou aqui em casa agora, pedindo desculpas, que queria fazer uma brincadeira e n�o sei mais o que...

    Contou que entrou no The Crims com minha conta, para ver como estava os meus status. S� que ele come�ou a encher o saco de alguem parece, fazendo spam, e eu (minha conta) foi banida at� 2005-11-27 14:25:03.

    Gostaria de pedir mil desculpas aos admins, e por favor, pelo amor de Deus, me tirem desta...

    N�o tive culpa, queria pedir perd�o, se puderem me ajudar, ficarei grato...

    Por favor, me ajudem. Obrigado!!! =]<<<

  2. #2
    UltranSa3ek Guest


    check your ticket answer of contact support

    TC Crew




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