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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Vilnius, Lithuania

    Default To almighty Bebynho - questions regarding updates from next round

    Your Majesty,

    as you are so almighty to create a closed Thread, I am posting a new one as we have quite few questions. Of course, if we, players' society, do not disturb You too much, Your Majesty.

    HI there,

    Starting next round we will make a significant change to rule 2 and to the Trust accounts basically " IT WILL BE CONSIDERED ILLEGAL TO MOVE STATS BETWEEN YOUR MAIN ACCOUNT AND YOUR TRUST ACCOUNT "
    As Your Majesty speaks in unclear sentences, we need to double-check - so if during the round I log into trusted account at least once and do nothing, it is still forbidden to move stats between accounts? I assume yes because that's what rule states. Then the resulting question is - what the "f***" logic are you following? Who is that "genius" bringing up such non-sense and why?

    2. It is forbidden to own or play with more than one account. More than one account is allowed to play from the same IP address but these accounts are not allowed to transfer stats or resources between them or through other accounts , including trust accounts . This also means you can log in only one account from one computer. If you are round banned you must wait until the next round to play again or your new account will also be banned.
    [color=red]Your Majesty, as you are so mindful, please explain us, why don't you consider such criteria as "time spent on account" as original owner and trusty? Why don't you simply remove trusted accounts options from the game instead of enhancing idiotic rules and making them even more confusing? Furthermore, Your Majesty, You simply gain more improvisation whenever to BAN account or not without further explanations. Additionally, Your Majesty, I am even more surprised that you still have Abuse Complaints section in Support Center - it's worthless. In 99.99% instances, Your Majesty, makes fools out of players.

    General feedback for You, Your Majesty - every single players knows Your good relationship with Aless. It does not add any confidence that Aless was not banned last round, but she was banned in this round before the rule updates. Why? Cause she took top 3. Funny thing is that his Majesty "does not make mistakes" and the only person right in the universe is "his f***ing Majesty".

    Bebynho, you are asking why players want memox's attention? They do not trust You. Players are customers, you are the company representative. However, very bad one.
    It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    . "It does not add any confidence that Aless was not banned last round, but she was banned in this round before the rule updates. Why? Cause she took top 3. Funny thing is that his Majesty "does not make mistakes" and the only person right in the universe is "his f***ing Majesty "

    Do you have a problem or just doing drugs ? I posted this update , that will take place next round , just because I actually wanted to let players know about this change so we won't have to ban half TC. This change was decided 2 days ago at a planning meeting long after Alessandra's ban and it came as a request of ABUSE ( not me ) after some issues we have encountered this round with some accounts .

    The RULE is very simple and actually didn't change much , we added 4 words so even you can understand it, of course IF you are awake . We added this so teams can't use trust to milk is easy , the fact that you do not like trust is not our problem , other people do like it so If you have a problem with it DO NOT MAKE one .

    IF you are here to cry about your buddies that get banned for using macros please do not ...

    PS : The Thread was closed because RULES are not open to discussion period .. and yes taking in account I won so many times and you ... I understand why you would call me Majesty , thanks you are too kind.

  3. #3


    ,,The RULE is very simple and actually didn't change much , we added 4 words so even you can understand it, of course IF you are awake . We added this so teams can't use trust to milk is easy , the fact that you do not like trust is not our problem , other people do like it so If you have a problem with it DO NOT MAKE one ."
    others people do like it? who like it? your friends? team players who buy more credits? there is only who should awake is you, you doing, you saying, what only you think is good for tc. simple is to close thread where is talking about Alessandra? because you wont talk about this anymore? all tc knows that. why the hell trust is for milking? why we can't have trust just for gang keeping? why this made just like for a rabbit? WAKE UP. huge number of drugs bot online every day, why they still here? why you dont work hard on them? why you ban them only for one round? they will back next round and will do the same, or they will create new account, why don't even this you can fix? why the bugs we report is not fixed? why you saying that is was our mistakes or bad, because ur systems shows that? why you just dont trying even to try it, i even report bug with trust set ga, and with main i accepted and was instantly smacked, without any clicks, and got answer that was my mistake, that im smacked? it was automatically done, crews only could say that its my bad? even with videos, even with proves, but who cares about players? you? ahahahhha, never.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    My friend, Alessandra was banned because she broke the rules ,easy but we wont ban people just because of other people's frustrations ... Why do you think we changed the TRUSTED? because we like milk or because we want to stop milk ? Regarding bans you should a read a post that was made by abuse last week and you will see how much time we ban . There is no point in banning permanently when people will actually make new accounts with VPN , think a little bit please .
    Regarding bugs that you report and are not fixed , I would like to tell me one so I can pass that to Memox since sadly I'm not a developer therefore I can't fix them...

    It seems to me that your frustrations has to do with a ban no ? Sadly I did not understand the last part implying a bug regarding trust and GA but you are free to write a ticket and I will pass that to Memox. But again If you were banned I'm quite sure it was 100 % you and not the game .
    If I recall every time we made a mistake we gave back to the players and we tried to give even something extra but I guess those things do not matter much.

    I will say this one last time , USE SUPPORT IF YOU WANT TO COMPLAIN ABOUT YOUR BANS.
    Last edited by Bebynho20; 03-31-2017 at 11:26 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Vilnius, Lithuania


    Nah, Support center is not that official. Moderators are sarcastic. I can write shit there and still I'll be write and nobody gives right to some retarded kid disrespect me. Me, not that kid is paying cash for credits. Me, not that kid is paying his weekly (or monthly, or whatever) salary in credits.

    In terms of bans - the whole approach You are taking is incorrect. Myself, same as other players, don't even have a chance to prove they are not guilty. As I said previously, as ALEX confirmed, Abuse section in support center is completely useless.

    Honestly, I don't give a shit about ban - you do whatever you want (I have to admit, I am surprised You banned one of the accounts for bot - it's like a compliment for me and I just simply want to annoy you now). Be open, be kind.

    Cause you know, Bebynho, people respected Kirk, Mororus, Wenezuelo. They were open and they tried to listen.
    You are completely opposite story. You created Your own sort of virtual world (your own kingdom) and you behave in they way you prefer. Therefore, you forget basic respect and ethics rules. Administrator has to be a role-model. And you are not. And I don't even image, why such incompetent people are leading crews. That's sad.

    Now, a feedback for you, Bebynho.

    Btw, stop closing threads that I open prior I post my satisfactory statement or additional questions. Otherwise it will look like I am spamming in forum, which is not the case.

    Wishes to ALEX - even in another thread which I opened you struggled with basic English rules and grammar. Dude, you are representing international game. You are one of moderators. You must know English pretty well as one of your responsibilities is direct communication with players.
    Last edited by XiroX; 03-31-2017 at 07:39 PM.
    It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I think me answering to your rants here is clearly a proof of me being more than open. Now I will ban you and so you can go and use that thing you consider useless .... Btw everybody can prove their innocence you can just ask hundreds who did so ... Meanwhile as I said subject closed and enjoy the ban.



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