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    Talking contest ... some few changes could bring back the dead .

    my nick is draculathemaster
    my id is 12640201

    sorry for my bad english ,,

    i have many ideas that could make the game alive again

    1) you can give the players the ability to transfer money from one user to another by using the bank ,, for example i can give 1000000 to another user that i added as friend before . you can make this operation could be done only 3 times per c t day . and for the users that already over 500 respect .. that will make the game so funny for the new players .. and u can make players over 100000 respect cant do that operation .

    2) one of the most boring things in the game is that i need soooo long time to reach the last gang robbery 15000 dif .
    that is so disappiointing to most of crim players ,, so i suggest to make the highest gang robbery is 5000 dif . that will make the game so acceptable and logic or just bring back capon as last rob . that would make sense

    3) i wish to find more actions that can be done using the gangs ..
    for example... if you got caught in prison , u can send escape invitation to ur gang members . if they accept and thier powers are over the required limit to do that action ,, they can make u escape or else if they failed they will be in prison with you . ... players can send only one escape invitation per c t day .

    4) i suggest to make players while they play , to find some precios things like old watch or shiny red diamond etc ...
    u can keep them with u in ur treasure box . that box will bear 10 items only in the begining,, u can buy larger ones later ,,
    the more u play and spend time in the game u will find more of this things ,, that things help u to escape prison or get out of hospital ..
    for example a man will meet u if u enter the hospital saying i will heal u if u give me 6 red diamonds ...
    thus players will love to spend more and more time playing wishing to find more of that precious things ..

    that is enough for now .. i will be back soon when i find more ideas

    urs dracula

    another ideas that come to me while i smoke... lol

    5) i wish the game could be more reactive .. i mean in the begining of every ct round the player choose the things or the ones he wished to rob during that game ,, and that will be involved in his robbery list ..
    for example i wanna rob shakira hahaha , and the cia , thus i can find this robberies in my single list ..
    and for gangs the boss can choose what his gang will rob
    sure u can put that robberies with the highest dif .. that would be fun to rob some one i hate ,, hahahah
    Last edited by draculathemaster; 08-13-2009 at 01:45 PM.



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