Quote Originally Posted by memox View Post
The main reason we remade the drug formula was because of how detox and methadone formulas worked. They where really bad and methadone was much too strong. We have tried to even things out a bit making methadone a good choice when recovering from low addiction levels and detox for high levels. Because of these changes we just simply couldnt let the old drugs system stay the same because that would make methadone and detox far to expensive. As you see we have lowered the number of drugs you need to take in order to get full stamina, we have also put in another margins before you overdose. The formulas for these new margins shouldnt be too hard to figure out since they are much more linear than the past ones.

Saying that we do this for credits and money is very offensive. We dont want players ending up in hospital and quitting, that makes no sense. We want to make a great game that players will like!

I hope you give it a try and I am all ears for feedback on improvements and suggestions.
memox i think all what u did this round isnt better

my suggestion is that you should put all back as it was,crew organization sucks new overdose formula sucks..if anyone agree write here