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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Romania, Bucharest

    Thumbs up [Work in progress]TheCrims leaked tips.

    Hello, I'm Gabriel(mbl). I'm going to write some self-experience tips to give you, the players a bit of more advantage to the game. Before I'm going to write them, I have to point out that these have been accumulated through my gameplay, in a 5 year time thus, I consider being useful.
    Prologue:I bet you guys are frustrated about the fact that you won't do much of a march into the game; that's disturbing...- right? Well, take your time reading, you might find something interesting!

    1.A better start

    Taking advantage of the training center, I'm going to lay on this thread some of my own techniques that come along with the term of "hunting" that might also come useful, later in the tutorial.
    Starting class: After you log-in you will find a few advantages such as credit-based starts. Well, you might not have credits to spare on the start. That's not a problem because you will advance no matter what, right?
    My recommended class is Hitman since it has lower risk of getting jail, good use of weapons and good attacking skills, am I right? Tolerance and Strength is good when it comes to attacks.

    Fight club start(advantageous-recommended for starters)
    Since you're a hitman, this will be the best one, but you have to be really patient because it will take a long while, I'll explain it later in the hunt section I'll write. It will take about 2-3 days from the start if you only keep training.
    My tip is to train on strength because as most of you know, the Robber class is based on intelligence and strength, thus having higher rate of success at robberies. Therefore it's not necessary to upgrade the tolerance. Start from the beginning of the game to train, even tho' it gives you +24 strength; keep it on and get as much as possible until reaching at least 2 ratio. That means the strength at least double that the respect.
    I will have to add here that the total stats are calculated with (Intelligence+Strength+Charisma+Tolerance)/4. I am trying to explain here that keeping Intelligence and Charisma, which will not help fighting to keep as low as possible because it will get you lower respect, therefor a higher advantage at fighting.
    That depends on the weapon you hold, you can't afford to have high strength using a sniper because you won't hold any bonuses. What I'm trying to explain here is that if you'll have a weapon like mean machine that'll give you a hefty amount of "attack bonus" I'd rather use it over the nomex armor because of the bonuses.
    Now to get back to the subject, once you've reached about 4-5k strength and 1,8k or 2,2k respect, try out hunting.


    As I refer to the term of hunting that is when you visit clubs frequently and attack players. Well, for that you might need a fair advantage over them, since...- I guess you experienced "The Victim has disappeared" text message or you got attacked without having a chance to escape, am I right?
    First steps are settling the tabs/windows to hunt.A side-note to add is the browser which I recommend to use, that is Google Chrome due to the simplified interface and low resource usage.
    2.1. Tabs
    To open a new tab, right-click on any other link, as in Statistics and choose "Open new tab". With the tab you just opened, go to hospital and pick plastic surgery. After that, go in the first tab, enter your club and using the ctrl key and the mouse-wheel, decrease the zooming of the page to get a better view of the clubs, as in seeing possible players. Recommended zoom size is between 60-70% to see the whole page. You'll notice that the text's size will decrease, thus seeing everything.Switching the tabs quickly can be done with the combination of ctrl+tab. A notice to this, thus making it easier for starter hunters is going to the second tab and clicking on a random spot and tapping on tab until the yellow square reaches the "Change face key".

    2.2 Windows
    To use two windows, do the same step as the tabs procedure by opening a new tab and simply click on the tab and drag it anywhere you want, as an example I'll give you this picture:


    The topic will be edited, please don't hesitate to write below any doubts you have or what else you would like me to write.
    Last edited by mbl; 11-24-2012 at 11:14 PM.



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