First what it is worth recalling: The Crims always was multis and players like games like this. We can make our small gang and play alone, dont need wait for 30 people like know (beyond tc we have other things to do), we can managment with buldings and transfer drugs, can make very strong account and go to Figcht Chat (good variety), put rabbits to gang and take some stats (some important part of game) etc. The game could not be bored because of each edition can be played differently. I remember you try block multies between 11-12 round and it did not work because the players wanted multies. In this time you have weak serwer, a lot of problems with game, but players like TC and there were many. After some time you put nice solutions, like rabbit mode or trusted account (very nice idea) and other small improvements. It was good base to put other atractive this game, not delete multies, but limit profit with them, nothing more.

And know what you offer? Only robb and hunt, and this second is hard because a lot of people use bot, script, macros and other shit - realy new players have no chance on rave. None of your security is not proven to be 100%, your team ban people for nothing. Someone wrote earlier that you ban your own game, that is funny but the truth. Of course robbs for new players its a big barrier when leader want credits or stats for the invitation and single robbs give little profit. So what new players can do? Play 1hours and leave this game. I remember in past how every one start learn how to play in TC. We make 10 account and test, robb, alone, solo robbs, learn corect formula, after this make small gang, play alone and learn how to play so as not to get hit. After this learn how to transfer drugs, how make rabbits and put it to gang, learn how attack and milk this gang (sometaime wait a lot of hours when all palyers take off - who remember that?), learn how attack to not kill gang to fast, and leart many other thigs, but every this things was possible with multies. Even when multies was allowed players must cooperate to make big robb, to milk big gang, to make war between gangs etc. If we lost stats, someone milk our account, its not big prolbem, we run 10 or 20 rabbit play two days and have back our stats, we can still play and have fun - now its impossible milk account = wait to next round. You come here and ask why players want multies, what is so magicl with multies? Memox sometiems I feel that you can never know why this game was so popular.

Memox you have some statistics how many acc you ban becuse multies, after you block multies? Today you still ban players because of multies? Apparently, the players want to multi and still try to play them, TC with only one account is not right for them, still try use it. And what you do? You ban them, make more restrictions rules, once ban, next ban, perm ban and you dont have players. Come here and want sugestions frome players? What players?

About bots, you dont need control 100% players, punish every one who runs 2 times marco or other recorder. You must only correctly watch players who takes top, because they only win something on this game and must bee clean, but other? Any good reason ban someone from 200 or 500 place, even if they some time run stupid macros?

At this moment you have impasse, some people wants multies but other prefer only one acc. No solution will be perfect, you will not get back lost players. Whether you like it or not some multies solution you must enter if you still want to develope this game because with one account players have problem to play with TC like this. More virtual gang, virtual players for hunter, virtual transfer on dealer, if you dont want back multi so CREATE a virtual players, because they are missing now... So what is better for players? Multies for real players or your synthetic gang or other solutions in future?

It sad when in the past TC counter was 15k online but server was shit and now serwer is very fast but I see 500 online. If you like risk put test version like you wrote, without any control, tc crew, but allow multies, bring back all solutions like rabbits, trust account, trainign without restriction, sth like 40-50 rounds. You will see how many players prefer game like this. You dont lose much, on this version also you can place the credit page I saw some clone game likce TC with allows multi any only reason why this clone have less players are weak server, but some days they can invest more money and TC players will more defragment than now.