Good Evening
I already talked about this with the Crew member Psymafia, i dont know if he already talked with you about this: The game guide says "Items are enhancers that can do anything from increasing your stamina to increase your haggle skill. You can receive items when successfully completing single robberies or levels. You can expect to receive an item once about every 50 robberies, they are quite rare!". The thing is that i think i have around 800 robberies and i haven't received any! I know that what is written isn't "At each 50 robberies you receive an item", but do a little math: each robberie u have 2% probability of finding one item. So there is 98% probability of not finding it. What is happening to me is that those 98% occured 800 times. It's 98%^800 so 9,57x10^-6% probabillity of this happen ... am i that bad lucky? Fix that or rewrite that part of the guide with real info please.
The 2nd part was about improving the armors. U could add 1, 2 or 3 new armors but scalling with resistance, like raygun and the others more expensive do with strength. That way a player foccused on resistance would have the same chances in robberies and and fights as the ones foccused in strength, opening new possibilities for the development of our characters and making the game more competitive.

Thnks for your time,