Quote Originally Posted by Kowcykowski View Post
Unfortunately, I still didn't get any answer about this post, so i paste it here one more time. BTW, i have so much questions and feedback about The Crims.
I have answered you now.

Quote Originally Posted by Kowcykowski View Post
We all want to make The Crims more attractive for new players , right? I know that I will be called "Copycat", but why shouldn't we implement some kind of achievements prizes in TC? Now we have only items for reaching next levels of our character. We could get items when we'll make enough amount of robberies/kill x players in row without losing/earn x money from hookers/buildings/upgrades gang to higher improvements etc etc. Ofc this must be totally random (maybe with just a x% of fitting items to profession). I will show you an example how could it look:

Achievement : Friendless Robber
Levels : 1 - 300 successful single robberies || 2 - 1200 successful single robberies || 3 - 2500 successful single robberies || 4 - 5000 successful single robberies || 5 - 10000 successful single robberies
Requirements: Being Robber

Achievement : The Genius of Murder
Levels : 1 - 100 kills , 2 - 250 kills, 3 - 1000 kills, 4 - 2000 kills, 5 - 3500 kills
Requirements: Being Hitman

Achievement : Marvellous Leader
Levels: 1 - Staying with minimal 10 same people in gang (without kicking them) by 7 days of TC, , 2 - 21 days of TC, 3 - 42 days of TC, 4 - 84 days of TC, 5 - 120 days of TC
Requirements: Being Gangster

You only need to create something for Pimp and Businessman .

Prizes : Random item, but with 10% (level 1), 25% (level 2), 50% (level 3), 75% (level 4) and 100% (level 5) chance to be fitted with your profession:

Robber - Goggles of Fortune (because he is giving best money from robberies) Level 1 - 5 mins of working , Level 2 - 10 mins of working, Level 3 - 20 mins of working, Level 4 - 40 mins of working , Level 5 - 1 hour of working
Hitman - Steroids (don't need to explain it why, we ofc need to low down time of working it to 5 mins ) Level 1 - 5% stats, Level 2 - 10% of stats, Level 3 - 20% of stats, Level 4 - 30% of stats, Level 5 - 50% of stats
Gangster - Talisman of Insights (his gains from robberies/assaults are same for all statistics, so why couldn't get him one way to reach much more stats)
Pimp - Pimp's Potion (but I suggest to give him one more profit from it) Level 1 - you get 10% of your actually hookers earnings , Level 2 - 25%, Level 3 - 50%, level 4 - 75%, level 5 - double your actual earnings
Businessman - Talking Stone (need to be buffed), Level 1 - 5% cheaper for all drugs (by 10 mins), Level 2 - 10% cheaper, Level 3 - 20% cheaper, Level 4 - 33% cheaper, level 5 - 50% cheaper
ofc values could be easily changed, no problem but we need something really useful for Our work
I can't say if or when that will happen because right now I have no such plans but if people want this then ofc I will consider it.

Quote Originally Posted by Kowcykowski View Post
And when will you finally redefine VIP Pack? 8
Redefine in what way?

Quote Originally Posted by Kowcykowski View Post
Edit: There is a bug at beta, while we want to go into "Fight Clubs", and we have over 50% of respect in stats, we still can't see any raves.
I will look into that thanks!