
I want be to short and clean. Recently, few players have quit the game and from round to round we are less and less. In crew opinion, this is due to players like me that milk gangs. This isn't true. I've played this for like 10 years and GA and x1 assaults are core part of the game, without which this game would be nothing but a Facebook game, similar to all others and with no substance. What is killing the game are obvious reasons, there's no advertisement, no facebook investment and a third point very important: low respect for players. It's about these last that Im here to talk. In my opinion, is a lack of respect what Planning and Development crew has been done in last years with the several tries of removing the assaults. Have you players noticed that first they removed the 10% assault x1 to 8%? Then the 8% to 5? Then the gang assault to 4-5%? And very recently to 3-4 and now 1-2? Have you noticed that they have reduced the frequency of x1 hits with the 6h? They sell us the story that this is to procted beginners that cry. I can understand their point, but if they kill the core of the game, older ones can no longer play and feel the good taste. If you want to procted these players, make an active gameguide like mr. Beby suggested to me, dont allow moderators to play (they should help, not milk), and try make game harder for teams (with for example anonymous raves). There are many ways to control the balance and keep it fair. However, removing the stats isn't the way to do it, and So I am here expressing my full disapointment to these specific changelog for next round:

"You won't receive any stats gains when assaulting players or gang that have 70% lower stats or less than you. This applies both to single and gang assaults."

This is just non-sense as I explained above. Players, feel free to express your displeasure. Thank you all.

Best regards,