You entered anonymous raves because you wanted to avoid stats donations. Still you be able to make stats donation. It's harder but not impossible, and players in 20 day have over 300 k power. To rob harleys you must have only 160k..

In thecrims people share for those who acc robbies, make cash invest etc, and those who kill in raves. People like me, who rob solo or gang even don't chance to kill someone who have this stats.

So, my proposition is make top 5 killers to points. For example, still you have anonymous rave, enter and someone who have 50k power attack you (you have 40k power) you lose, and someone who win earn 5 points.

5 points - difference 5 k power
4 - difference 10 k power
3 - difference 20 k power
In gangs attack get gang points only

People have chance to play in the same lvl. No one have 89127389 k power when others who rob all ticket and train in good gangs (8-9 lvl train) have -712687127 k power to first guy..
Have like 1kk charisma and tolerance in 30 days? Impossible to get this without donations, no chance to rival with this peoples..

It's sick. Still win person who have "back"

And 2-nd proposition is to add some new rob. Its 20 day and rob harley until came 90 day? More more robbies, more difference money between rob, maybe more stats form solo and gang when we don't get stats for kills?

It's great perspective for me to change this. No more play in 10 accounts, stats donations, everyone have chance to win.

Sorry for my bad english, peace.