With every round that passes I am more and more baffled and I am saying this not as an owner but as an ex player or a gamer in general.

I don't think I've ever played a game where I complained that I had to play said game TOO MUCH to WIN . All the games that are more or less competitive require time especially a game where you win things.

Since round 1 TC has required time especially IF you want to win something but clearly playing in Germany or Spain is not the same as playing in Brazil or Poland. Once you decide you have to play to WIN you should realize that this game is going to eat a lot of your time , the same as any other " competitive game " .

Reducing the round to 40 TC days made things much easier when it comes to playing for top but clearly some have forgotten the golden days when we had to play for 182 days / 5 weeks , 16 H per day or more.

Fun story :when TC moved from multi to single account the first rounds where quite hard for them to balance and we had rounds where we did not have a ticket limit , or dealer transactions limit.
I played those rounds and I can tell you that I had to rob non stop because 1 ticket = 1 hooker ... and at night we had to move drugs from accounts so basically we had to stay there from 12 until 6 in the morning because people had macros waiting for us to move ..

I wonder what many of you would've done or said back then If you had to go trough that.

Nobody is making you guys play for top every round and actually YOU SHOULD NEVER DO THAT because you will burn out !

Since R 100 we have tried to make things easier for you guys , NO MORE GA , NO MORE 10 % stats loss when getting attacked 1 v 1 , no more MILKS , tickets are now limited .....there are so many things that have changed to make this game easier and more accessible is crazy and yet every round I get a PM on skype or I read a profile that leaves me speechless .

No you will not win a medal or a cup by playing 1 H a day ! My mom puts more time in Candy Crush so than that.

This is just my opinion as a player, of games in general !

PS : I admit in the game has changed, we added many things , some good and some probably bad but it was done because we tried to keep the game fresh and because we wanted to make things entertaining.
