As i said before admins have no respect for players.
They make new rules that make game loose all the fun,but this is not only reason i made this post.Today a friend from my team came and told me he was banned from Kirk (Reason:Using bots and scripts).I can see admins can do anything without asking or searching.Just look at stats,see who has high respect and BOOM... u get banned.In round 16 they banned me for no reason and only when i went to an admin and asked the reason i realised they do what they want without thinking first(Banned cause i used 100 stamina for 15 robs!!...shoplift takes 5% DUH!)!At the end of round 17 again they banned top2(Honome-Ra) and after again unbanned??WTF???You ban because u had a bad day or something????
When i saw the changes of round 18 i was really disapointed,but because i wont have time again to play i decided i will try.But i can see they just do what they want and have no respect for players what so ever.
So plz answer this: How u ban ppl??Just by suspicion???