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  1. #11


    Most? If I remember correctly, in the forum speak only people who truly know how to take advantage of every mistake, bugs and bad news. So don't write bullshit, Memox pay a high price to get you to the Crew. I do not think that news of the 50 rounds were worth leaks information about the panel from you.
    So tell us, what are you still going here? Still trying to build your own legend?

    I see that at least one person sees what is the problem (RaulRealMadrid). Game now supports a handful of people who play themselves for many hours. How many are there? 5%, 10%? And what about rest? What about newbie? They still do not know how to play alone, they try find some team, gang, and what? Nothing, they are not needed experienced players from anything, so left game because they think game is borring.

    I dont know what was in 1-7 round (I only know that a lot of bugs). I started on 10 edit. Maybe this time I was a noob, but I remember that players must cooperate, on the chat was over 30 people on one team! To make big respect you have to play with others.

    This problem is discussed for a long time, but instead eliminate it even more it is deepening. This should be your highest priority, no weapon modifications or adding funny ranks.

  2. #12



    I started playing, for real, in round 49. Once, I played in the beggining - maybe round 5. The difference is huge, but I wasn't very in to the game that time, as I am now.

    I enjoyed a lot round 49, loved round 50 and enjoyed 51, but the truth is, that now I play for myself, completely. I dont need to find people to grow on stats or respect. I just need to do some robbs with my accs and then I milk them. Easy stats. This feels good, as I see my acc appear in top100 or top50... But then it just becomes boring.

    When FK comes, why should I get in a gang, be in risk of getting GAed, if I can just use my accs to robb gill bates, grow stats on them, and then milk them? The money from FK (for 30 robbs, maybe 90kk$-150kk$), plus the risk of GA, isnt worth the money I can get from GB with my other accs (20KK$-30KK$), plus 5-10k stats (that can also give me 10kk$-20kk$ a day in drugs)??? In 10 days I end up in earning more money from just robbing GB.

    Its nice to become powerfull easily, but after a few days it just becomes boring.

    From the 2/3k accs logged in, u must have like 200/300 people..

    Like Boku was saying, new players, they get tired of playing in 10minutes. They go to the square, get in a gang, and get ga in less than a minute. They dont know how to play yet and they are already in the hospital... they give up, obviously.

    So basically, I think that if you want to have a powerfull and entertaining game, with more people coming every day, you should make it more difficult for us. Make us go find a gang so we can robb the big stuff with other real people.

    The winners of these rounds may have like 100 accs... (I guess, because I'm not that pro in the game yet). So, the winner isnt the best player, or the most addicted player to the game. No, the best player is the one that have more accs to milk. The new players, not knowing how to play, cant do nothing because they cant get a gg, and simply give up.

    I will continue to enjoy playing, but the way this is going, you will not have many new real players. Just more spyes.

    Think about those rules of covering in gang.

  3. #13


    I think the problem because people don`t play together is cover option ... the cover option is nothing like steal stats from game...players don`t need to steal stats from game...players need to attack in loft to get skills , one from other...this is fun ... today lose 50k skills in loft...but tommorow you will get 150 k ... this is satisfaction..robbing gill bates means all time getting skills all time ...again,again,again when a human do always a think...this will be boring...normally...if the cover option dissapear i think game will be more more more atractive a hit at 12k you get 2k ok? but because at a ga you get minimum 1,5k? it`s stupid think...all people ga others ...all people is not fun man...make hunt from round 20 this is very very very fun... HUNTING...don`t cover option , don`t get much skills on ga...and people will hunt ! Sorry my enlish PLEASE !



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