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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello brother,
    I think you can sell tickets by credits. Because, I think that lots of people are going to buy credits just for tickets.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by acvilosul View Post
    make only one club per player
    delete the clubs from the list when the owners are offline
    make so that when a protected player joins a club he can't see other attackable players ( so called "safe" rabbits are out )
    add more fight clubs
    make an option to set the min/max respect search on popular places page
    make an option to save the amount of respect when searching raves by the respect
    ''delete the clubs from the list when the owners are offline'' I like this idea

  3. #13


    jut make update for ur crew cause u got alot of idiots most of abuse team dont know anything about game thats why u r always ask players about new planning if u got a good crew they understand they game u dont need to ask every round about new planning or how to make the players like ur game more ur game is going to die cause most of ur crew are idiots and dnt know anything about this game they just know how to unban real boters like ( TAMBORZINHO ) when pablo un his ban cause he is his best friend round 74 or like alot of brs like we cam winning or bola they r useing a shit and u dont do anything against them

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Hi guys

    I hadnt play for a very long time and its cool to see that you " improve" the game all the time, but? what about to do the final change, with permament rules and changes? Its actualy strange to start new game , if the last round was diffrent. Are you able to do an application for iOs or Android? Thats the Future - The Crims Portable xD
    mir haben lehrer den unterschied zwischen groß und kleinschreibung und die bedeutung der interpunktion zb punkt und komma beigebracht die das lesen eines textes gerade wenn er komplizierter ist und mehrere verschachtelungen enthält wesentlich erleichtert!

  5. #15



    The game is great, but I think the ga should again give stats.
    I think this because who gets to play later, has no chance to grow or hunt.
    And the stronger account may freeze at raves no chance to get off the stats, so it rises, it will never come down.
    And i like idea STRYKERPINHO


  6. #16


    Good afternoon memox,

    The game is great, but I think the ga should again give stats.
    I think this because who gets to play later, has no chance to grow or hunt.
    And the stronger account may freeze at raves no chance to get off the stats, so it rises, it will never come down.
    And i like idea STRYKERPINHO


  7. #17

    Default Stryker

    Quote Originally Posted by StrykerPinho View Post
    Good afternoon memox,

    As you see, even beginner players can understand that these limit system ain't good. I can make a 1h video showing you tons of guys that constantly sit on their own raves and WAIT for someone to hit them and win (then re-change the limit to their max and keep it). I dont see how this can be good. Strategy now for 90% thecrims is restricted to rob in order to make cash, milk account, buy strenght/tolerance, make trainings and hunt on their limit. This has only one conclusion: Empty randoms and empty admins. I thought that rob and milk cash was one of the oldest main strategies at classic version with multis, but, as fair as your showing this round, you maybe want to implement same system on one-account version. There absolutely no benefits on this.

    Solution: - remove limited raves and make an exclusive 50k max respect limited rave for all players (to protect beginners, since after 50k everyone should already know how to make own rave and do plastic, specially with all those guide information).
    - to improve the encounter rating of other accounts i would suggest a new formula [[Raves displayed on first page = [online players + admins (set a fix number at your choice) + 33% offline players (randomly chosen)]]].

    Thank you for your time, i'll wait for an answer.

    Best regards,

    the best idea !!!

  8. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by StrykerPinho View Post
    Good afternoon memox,

    As you see, even beginner players can understand that these limit system ain't good. I can make a 1h video showing you tons of guys that constantly sit on their own raves and WAIT for someone to hit them and win (then re-change the limit to their max and keep it). I dont see how this can be good. Strategy now for 90% thecrims is restricted to rob in order to make cash, milk account, buy strenght/tolerance, make trainings and hunt on their limit. This has only one conclusion: Empty randoms and empty admins. I thought that rob and milk cash was one of the oldest main strategies at classic version with multis, but, as fair as your showing this round, you maybe want to implement same system on one-account version. There absolutely no benefits on this.

    Solution: - remove limited raves and make an exclusive 50k max respect limited rave for all players (to protect beginners, since after 50k everyone should already know how to make own rave and do plastic, specially with all those guide information).
    - to improve the encounter rating of other accounts i would suggest a new formula [[Raves displayed on first page = [online players + admins (set a fix number at your choice) + 33% offline players (randomly chosen)]]].

    Thank you for your time, i'll wait for an answer.

    Best regards,
    nice stryker, only lacked one thing in your comment, go back to having confrontation between gangs worth stats (GA), the Ga is the fun of the game, players today are 1x1 account and is pancando generally are stopped at raves, not had this with Gang Assault ... You pull GA in the face and run and all pleasure that this game has

  9. #19


    very nice freman

    memox must return the ga is the game of the grace that was withdrawn without the ga

  10. #20


    everyone wants to give back the ga stats, hear us, no one can beat the stronger account of the game, no have more fun.
    memox is the best idea, put g.a with stats, and keep the classic raves




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