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  1. #1

    Default [TR] Translation Errors

    Since there isn't a topic about Turkish translation errors with a proper topic name, I decided to create one. Unfortunately there are many translation errors in Turkish version. These errors make this game difficult to be well understood by Turkish players. That's why I'm going to write these errors when I notice them. Here is the first error:

    This message is written in English, needs to be translated to Turkish.
    Your times killed count has been recalculated because the player (playername) that killed you in the past has been caught cheating
    In Turkish:
    Öldürülme sayınız yeniden hesaplandı çünkü sizi daha önce öldürmüş olan (playername) adlı oyuncu hile kullanırken yakalandı.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Hi thanks for that , it would help a lot if you can open a topic on TR Forum where players can post this errors when they find them . Thanks for the support



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