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Thread: R 92 Changes!!!

  1. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by ALEX View Post
    Can you explain better? Because i dont understand your point. I am using a strong gaming pc and this game is eating no respurces, everything works okay except when is server lag but in rest everything is working okay
    So you want to say that throughout the round sorry that for all three rounds thecrims servers lags ?

    currently on beta.thecrims at 80 players they are also lag ?

    I had like that for the entire round and sometimes even worse I've been waiting for 1-2 seconds until the new table attack to load.

    it is really hard to fix it?

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by ksw View Post
    So you want to say that throughout the round sorry that for all three rounds thecrims servers lags ?

    currently on beta.thecrims at 80 players they are also lag ?

    I had like that for the entire round and sometimes even worse I've been waiting for 1-2 seconds until the new table attack to load.

    it is really hard to fix it?
    Ok i got your point.I barely encountered this problem, anyways i cannot play this game so much as you do folks. If you reported this and did not got fixed please try using support center with some video like you did here and we will report it to our developer. Tawk is mostly used to help our players with general answers, maybe the guy that talked to you forgot because he was dealing with too many people. But if you send a ticket to support, our staff members will take a look because they see they have a new ticket and they will report then give you an answer.


  3. #53
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    A "nightclub can have one drug only, Booze"

    This is what I want to talk about to be honest.

    Because if a person uses credits for detox and play till 90% addiction, they wont be able to fill stamina at once.

    Secondly, if they meet a person/ga puller in raves when robbing, how will they overdose fast with BOOZE? Does it make any sense? You just made Gang Assault easier.

    What I would like to advise, please also add Heroin in raves, so ppl can at least use 2 drugs to fill stamina. Because most common drugs are Heroin and Booze.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by eagleking52 View Post
    A "nightclub can have one drug only, Booze"

    This is what I want to talk about to be honest.

    Because if a person uses credits for detox and play till 90% addiction, they wont be able to fill stamina at once.

    Secondly, if they meet a person/ga puller in raves when robbing, how will they overdose fast with BOOZE? Does it make any sense? You just made Gang Assault easier.

    What I would like to advise, please also add Heroin in raves, so ppl can at least use 2 drugs to fill stamina. Because most common drugs are Heroin and Booze.
    I actually agree with you, we had this idea but we said "lets see how is going" and is clearly going as you said. I hope soon we will see some changes

  5. #55

    Default New changes

    Hello guys,

    im back here to review my thoughts about the new changes in round 92. In the first time i thought yeah anonymous raves can fix something like team play but there is lots of disadvantages. 1) im hunter it means that i like to first make lvls and then milk my stats and buy str. Now its almost impossible to make some lvl because im still killing by the hunters which start playing since begining of the round and have 3 times more stats than me. 2) if you dont start form begining of the round and play every day you are not able to make some decent result because again you are killed by everyone. Its nonsence that you cant give maximum respect on your rave... 3) and most important thing is that you give edge to the teams because now gang assaults are more valuable and easier to do for the teams.
    In my opinion in case of the anonymous raves its not what this game is looking for and if yes then make somethink like yeah we have anonymous raves where can go all the players and then if i make my rave i should have option to decide if it will be visible for the others or only to me and than i will be able to rob and makes lvls i think that this option should be great and it will be same but you will protect the players which want to make lvls and robb. if they decided to fight and hunt they just click on the button make it vissible for the others or something like that.

    please let me know what do you think about it.

    thanks a lot,


  6. #56


    Good morning.

    I can't make available hookers or drugs at these rave/ whorehouse/ nightclub. No drugs, no hookers, tottally empty...

    I request a review. At 91th round, it was perfect!

    A great hug!

  7. #57


    I think to make anonimouse rave is good idea to protect transfer stat, but maybe will make not balance for player hunter skill and player robber skill...
    for now player hunter will make big profit for this rule... but not for player robber. I think in this game more lot player rober than player hunter... that will make this game very very suck for many-many player

    I will make example for requirment make 20 kill for up to goodfather level, for this requirment will make stuck robber player to up level... but not for hunter player.
    i think requirment kill for up level or req. alley must me elimated for the rules... that will make more game balance....

    to be as criminal not must as murderer....
    Last edited by Sylvanas; 01-19-2017 at 12:43 AM.

  8. #58


    WTF !!! remove options True TC Junkie For 2 days you can do business with the drug dealer and receive a 15% discount on all transactions! I bought the VIP can not sell drugs in boat and truck because a lot of people use this option



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