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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Exclamation R 93 Changes !!!

    Hey guys ,

    These are the changes for R 93

    *The maximum amount of respect you can gain from stats is 25 000 000.
    *This round we introduce a reputation system. Your reputation will follow you between rounds and increase if you are amongst the top 20 international players. Top 1 will get 20 points, top 2 will get 19 points and top 20 will get 1 point.
    *Stats gains from assaults have been updated. Both single and gang assaults now give 4% when the victim is wounded and 2% when killed.
    *Guards are back in a new version!
    *You can now select which square you want to visit without changing the game language.
    *Only 1 skill point reset is allowed per round.
    *The risk of going to jail will increase with 5% for each difference in level between attack and victim. For example if player A is level 5 and player B is level 7 the increased risk of going to prison (for the winner) is 10%.
    *You can now use emoticons in chats, guest books and in your profile.
    *Winner cash prizes have been updated.
    *Level requirements have been updated.

    Ok so let's break them down .

    *The maximum amount of respect you can gain from stats is 25 000 000.

    I think this is the most important decision we've made ever since it limits the amount of respect each account can get from stats at the end of the round. This means that no matter how many DONATIONS a team or player has at the end of the round he wont be able to make more than 25 kk respect from stats . This means the AVG stats is at 50 kk now but this can change based on YOUR FEEDBACK.

    There were many ways to try reducing donations , 1 ga per day TC , lowering the amount of stats gained from GA but after many hours we decided none will work since we've already done this before to no avail. We hope we made the decision here.

    *This round we introduce a reputation system. Your reputation will follow you between rounds and increase if you are amongst the top 20 international players. Top 1 will get 20 points, top 2 will get 19 points and top 20 will get 1 point.

    We just wanted to reward all players not just those from top 1 to 5.

    *Stats gains from assaults have been updated. Both single and gang assaults now give 4% when the victim is wounded and 2% when killed.

    This was one of the mistakes we made last round when we brought back the Anonymous raves , we forgot to lower the percentages from 1 v1 and GA and we are sorry for that .

    *Guards are back in a new version!

    Well old players should remember this feature since we had it before. Now we just gave it a little twist ... Each Guard will help you lose 10 % less stats in GA so having them all means you will lose 30 % less when you will receive a Gang Assault.
    Price wise the only expensive one is the last one ,1.5 kk respect in money, but after asking various players we made them available with credits as well. - PLEASE GIVE US YOUR FEEDBACK on the PRICES

    *Only 1 skill point reset is allowed per round.

    We feel that this will make the game more interesting for those who want to play for top and of course a little bit harder.

    *The risk of going to jail will increase with 5% for each difference in level between attack and victim. For example if player A is level 5 and player B is level 7 the increased risk of going to prison (for the winner) is 10%.

    Well this change comes as a result of numerous rounds of questions from players that were not able to understand why they were getting jail after jail so we hope this will answer some of those questions.

    *Winner cash prizes have been updated.

    Now the prizes will be something like this

    TOP 1 - 300
    TOP 2 - 150
    TOP 3 - 100

    Other changes that will come this round :

    * Goggles went from a bonus of 75 % to 50 %
    * We adjusted the special items in order to balance the amount of money in the game
    * WE adjusted the some levels ; E.g : to reach Godfather you now need to perform just 15 kills
    * We adjusted the energy required to perform some of the single robs
    * 1v1 Assaults are limited to 1 per TC day

    * New Quests are available so for those who sent us the quests on Forum please contact us via SUPPORT to get your reward

    I would really like to read your feedback here or via email to [email protected] . See ya guys next round

    PS : we will go one more round with anonymous raves but If the feedback continues to be negative we will probably go back to normal raves. That being said please send us your feedback regarding the raves
    Last edited by Bebynho20; 02-24-2017 at 06:31 PM.

  2. #2


    Anything on top kills prizes or they stay the same?any chance in adding like lets say 500 credits for £15 or smt like that in the uk,£30 its way to much and i know i keep banging on about this and i alrdy know the answer but u are wrong in making it after every country minimum wage bcs with £30 i can eat 1 week or i can go to work 1 week or i can smoke 1 week(weed 2 weeka even)and i could go on and on and on but there is no point.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Braga, Portugal


    "PS : we will go one more round with anonymous raves but If the feedback continues to be negative we will probably go back to normal raves. That being said please send us your feedback regarding the raves"

    Just thinking anonymus raves are more fair system for robbers and hunters, named raves will allways be the best way to pass stats.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by az0man0 View Post
    Just thinking anonymus raves are more fair system for robbers and hunters, named raves will allways be the best way to pass stats.
    totally agree with you. Anonymous raves system is way more fair than normal one.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Braga, Portugal


    i´ve been a robber since i play the game, last round i play for hunt, i can say is very farway better to play hunting, beside that i robbed too and my opinion stands on the my last post, better anonymus. Every round you change a thing the only ppl came here is to complain, that allways will happen.

    One thing, i woundering about that for hunt we need low creds prices.

  6. #6


    Please do keep the night clubs annonymus. Not everyone has time to make 100 accounts to farm them all day. Playing with only one account is the best way to go. I have been playing beta for some time now, and I think the game in its current situation is pretty good.

  7. #7


    *The maximum amount of respect you can gain from stats is 25 000 000.

    I think this is the most important decision we've made ever since it limits the amount of respect each account can get from stats at the end of the round. This means that no matter how many DONATIONS a team or player has at the end of the round he wont be able to make more than 25 kk respect from stats . This means the AVG stats is at 50 kk now but this can change based on YOUR FEEDBACK.

    Why would you make stats weaker?
    This means if you have 10k in avg stats it will be 5k in respect etc.
    If you want to stop people from getting more then 25kk respect from stats which comes from donations then it should be 25kk in avg stats, not 50kk avg stats or whatever limit you wanna make.

    Why? Because making stats even weaker is ridiculous. You do realize getting the most respect is mostly about the CASH.
    How many people had more then 25 kk stats the last round? Yes only the rank 1 account.
    This change will not stop donations it will only make the cash in the game even more favourable.

    The limit only affects 1% of players, if even that but the avg stats/2 = respect from stats, will bring "problems".

  8. #8



    its very good to do something to stop stat donations Because small teams cant got it but you have to look in this changes no donation stop
    because they will take all donations from all Tc players to no let other Competitors got it
    but you can do other change when any account get 50kk stat cant accept any ga and if other ga him he no win nothing and other no lose
    i hope My suggestion to have a positive impact

    best regards


  9. #9


    Still this game about team... why we cant play solo game to have chance to win? I think it will be much better, but you wont rework like that, you still working on teams, as u said, this game should be about how player good at game, not about donators and stats, u think 25kk rsp from stats is not big problem? When we will have a round for solo players? Because from first till now we have only team role rounds, and im sure that if we will get that one day, you will see, much more players, MORE BUYERS, MORE FIGHTS FOR TOP, now we can see the same nicks all time... i dont see here BIG changes, no big changes at all. So keep lossing people, how you want to new players stay at thecrims? When they see only teams, if they try to join some team they will be used by manipulators, and they wont stay anymore, as i said, we need BIG CHANGES, these changes didnt change anything, it's will be the same like always, 40people will help in early to put 2kk stats on 1 account, till 20-40day, and what u need to do more to get top 5 inter?? Use skills on buildings and change to hookers and rob solo till last day, 100% top 5 inter atleast. WOW....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Mossan View Post
    *The maximum amount of respect you can gain from stats is 25 000 000.

    I think this is the most important decision we've made ever since it limits the amount of respect each account can get from stats at the end of the round. This means that no matter how many DONATIONS a team or player has at the end of the round he wont be able to make more than 25 kk respect from stats . This means the AVG stats is at 50 kk now but this can change based on YOUR FEEDBACK.

    Why would you make stats weaker?
    This means if you have 10k in avg stats it will be 5k in respect etc.
    If you want to stop people from getting more then 25kk respect from stats which comes from donations then it should be 25kk in avg stats, not 50kk avg stats or whatever limit you wanna make.

    Why? Because making stats even weaker is ridiculous. You do realize getting the most respect is mostly about the CASH.
    How many people had more then 25 kk stats the last round? Yes only the rank 1 account.
    This change will not stop donations it will only make the cash in the game even more favourable.

    The limit only affects 1% of players, if even that but the avg stats/2 = respect from stats, will bring "problems".
    I really think our wrong here ... most accounts in the last 10 rounds had donations of about 40 kk stats in respect and we think that is not fair.

    As I said before the 50 kk avg can be changed based on the feedback and trust me the only people who would say that this amount should go up are teams.



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