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  1. #1

    Wink Hi Mr. Marcus (Memox)

    My sugestion

    That you remove the mission from the alley to kill the crews, we do not usually find crews online, and not everyone is willing to help. I think the crews function is to help the members, but not all of them act that way, but there are several excellent players and crews, in their crew, which made it possible for me to accomplish the mission of the alley.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by VACAESUAMAE View Post
    My sugestion

    That you remove the mission from the alley to kill the crews, we do not usually find crews online, and not everyone is willing to help. I think the crews function is to help the members, but not all of them act that way, but there are several excellent players and crews, in their crew, which made it possible for me to accomplish the mission of the alley.


    Hi......well here is not about your game skills guys, it is all about manners and behaviour. We do help players with kills for mission, we realy do. But some of us are busy sometimes and we cannot be in game 24/7, remember that we are humans, we have work,school, private life. And coming back to manners..... you guys have to be nice in order to get what you want, you cant just order us to give you kills because we have 2 options; to help you or not to help you. Personaly i care about this detail, not sure if others do. For example i got some random dude on skype telling me "hey give me kill? i need 2 more kills to do the mission". Like is so hard to use "please" word? I dont care how many kills he need if hes being bossy with me. I see nothing wrong with this mission. Anyways this is just my opinion.


  3. #3


    I asked for two crews and no one helped me...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Is first time i agree with a Crew member but i must say Alex have right. The crew is helping anyone with kills and with credits if u dnt know. It depend just from the way u ask them for a thing.

    Best regards Truri

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by BobEsponja View Post
    I asked for two crews and no one helped me...
    Hi .. as Alex explained Crew members are busy sometimes or not available when you asked them
    Maybe you can ask another one or ask them when they are available
    For me , This round only one player that asked me for a kill & i helped him .. and i'm sure all other Crew members are helping as well

    Regards Crew
    Abuse Team

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Let's make something clear here .... MISSIONS are an extra that we brought into the game to make it a little bit more exciting and to give you guy something else to do besides robbing and hunting. Missions are not a MUST in the game but optional you can do them or skip them, the same goes for the mission in question.
    Crew members can give or not kills to you and to be honest the idea was to kill them in raves not to make them donate the kills. Even so, most crew members willingly give out kills as you can probably see in their profiles some have over 20 deaths.
    Now as I said we can't force crew members to give you KILLS since it is not in their job description you just need to find the right one or just hunt for them.
    Last edited by Bebynho20; 05-05-2017 at 06:56 PM.

  7. #7


    i ask kills from 5 members of screw team , and 4 of them help me

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by BlackBrain View Post
    i ask kills from 5 members of screw team , and 4 of them help me
    " Screw team " nice one LMAO

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Times killed 31



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