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  1. #1

    Lightbulb [IDEA] Character medal or Achievements (?)

    I'm sure most of the players are hyped to get the professions back again and even with more tactics, since we can be a Dealer or Broker now.
    Then, I'm back to one of my last suggestions before the professions went off.

    First, who will choose businessman or pimp? I'm certain that, inactive players will, since they can't rob much or assault all day. Then why don't reward players like these? For example, the drug seller for boat achiev, they are hard to get and only a small number of players can get those.

    So why don't we have a Achievement for Top respect Pimp or Top reward Pimp, a ranking for the highest reward as a Pimp (Like having 2k of MissBlonde or French Maids!!)
    Same for businessman, but making if more profitable from Factories, just like the pimp but getting all money trhu the round, the most rewardable Businessman.

    Since robber will make most of respect after all and Hitmans will get more kills and have their own ranking (skulls), why don't we create a medal or achievement for the other professions??

    PS: It's hell impossible to get top with Pimp or Businessman. Maybe Dealer and Broker can, since their bonuses are high AF. But just don't shit post here please. Think at least once.

  2. #2


    Why not just balance all the professions so all of them will have the same chance to win top respect? A dealer can do a lot of cash with ships and the robber can make tons of money with robbs, but the pimp will just do a little more money from whores than the rest and that's the whole advantage (the same for businessman but with buildings).

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by yoBogdan View Post
    Why not just balance all the professions so all of them will have the same chance to win top respect? A dealer can do a lot of cash with ships and the robber can make tons of money with robbs, but the pimp will just do a little more money from whores than the rest and that's the whole advantage (the same for businessman but with buildings).
    Maybe that, but I don't see that happening at this point of the development. Since it's only 3 days to release and the bonuses are already on the guide at beta.
    But it is important to balance them out.

    Let's take pimp for example:

    30% extra earnings from hookers
    Max hookers: 4688
    15% discount on hooker prices
    20% lower risk of overdosing when using hookers
    You can own 25% more hookers
    Chance to find free hookers: +25%
    Can buy special hookers that normally only are available in the casino

    I see where the bonuses are just awful, since it's low and dumb (just like lower risk of over when using hookers, lol. Or +25% finding free hookers, since they only add little to your gains at the end...). I mean, the down side is just bigger rather the bonuses.
    Owning more hookers is not such a "bonus" since you can take many hookers, more then total since the game itself apply on negative number after it is "full"...
    The special hookers are extremely generous, at least this is a huge bonus. Also discount.

    But is not even compared with Dealer/Brooker/Robber if you main respect at the end game.

    Same works for Businessman, list below:

    Max building slots: 5
    15% higher building production

    Really, these are the only bonuses this profession gets... Max building slots maybe gives you +800.000.000 with fully upgraded building, but that's not even close to robbing or selling drugs/stocks. Also bonuses on building? I can buy that with VIP package or cred bonus on the building (10, 20 or 50)?
    It don't really understand where is the balance here. Maybe +50% production? Idk. But it's pretty bad as it is now.

    So rewarding players to follow this path, that would be lovely. Even a badge for playing for business or pimp as crack hookers. Anyway is just an ideia.
    Fell free to comment about it.

    PS: I just followed the list of bonuses on beta, and copy/pasted the actual bonuses, the positive ones. Fell free to check the downsides.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Well some major changes were actually made to all professions and we actually think it will be quite hard to pick one ... I do not know If the changes hit BETA yet but I can tell you that all advantages and disadvantages are close to 30% ......

    Businessman will have 24% and if you take the 10 % will have 34% ... As I said some changes were made to the professions .. especially to Broker and Dealer , professions that we thought were to strong.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Bebynho20 View Post
    Well some major changes were actually made to all professions and we actually think it will be quite hard to pick one ... I do not know If the changes hit BETA yet but I can tell you that all advantages and disadvantages are close to 30% ......

    Businessman will have 24% and if you take the 10 % will have 34% ... As I said some changes were made to the professions .. especially to Broker and Dealer , professions that we thought were to strong.
    Thanks for replying Beby, even quoting non-updated status that will be on the actual round, these kind of information should appear on a blog or dev-page for TC, since it does impact the hype for new rounds ...

    Anyhow, bringing the Achievements topic back to the actual Thread, it would be amazing to have a Lover achievement for the richest Pimp (from day 1-154/180 money from hookers) just like tracking the money at level requirement, we could even hack a ranking for this, such as:
    "You must collect a total of $80,000,000,000 from your hookers"

    Or CEO achievement for the most successful Businessman from the round, calculating the bank investment and building money, and we could also have a rank for this. As we do with killers...

    This could bring new competition to the game, regardless the all attack power that most of players follow ... Training STR and REST ...
    How would these IDEAS help TC grown? or call for old players, that just want to compete for a trophy or skull?

    Best regards.



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