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  1. #1

    Default why game master and crew dont be respect own desicions and player desicions ?

    PPL CHOSE 200 CREDITS and Beby give vip 3 what kind of disrespectful situtation? If you give an option for ppl why dont you obey this rule ? yes tc is belong to you but if you ask ppl think any subject you show respect their decision. What would we do ? We behave like generozo ? invite you skype conference ? talk face to face ? you are wrong at this situation. you sell dream for ppl every round. We are not slave you make money from us. Every time round begining we are exposed to seriosly lag problems , bugs. be carefull bro you are the game master you want whatever you want but We are players and we want to have fun when we play thanks...

  2. #2


    Agree, Crew and others don't give us credits as it result lost of money for them from potential players. New round suck so hard that is impossible to tell.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by DeVoe View Post
    Agree, Crew and others don't give us credits as it result lost of money for them from potential players. New round suck so hard that is impossible to tell.
    Isn't VIP 3 like 200 or 250 reds??
    Seriously, I legit don't see any problem with it.

  4. #4


    I dont want to vip 3 coz I already have and also result of vote is define normally they give 200 credits but they did not. if there is a vote , and give an important for players idea , you have to keep your word bro. that's simple...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Here are more important problems to be criticised and to be discussed. VIP 3 package means more than 500 cred to not be spent while round going on!

    Topic CLOSED
    Abuse CREW
    [email protected]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by ARiF View Post
    I dont want to vip 3 coz I already have and also result of vote is define normally they give 200 credits but they did not. if there is a vote , and give an important for players idea , you have to keep your word bro. that's simple...
    I think you do not understand why we made the POLL ... that poll was to see what you would like more not what we will actually DO.

    GIVING 200 creds to all accounts created would mean the following : TEAMS WOULD CREATED ACCOUNTS WITH PROXY TO USE SAID CREDITS and that makes it FRAUD . Since we were not able to find a viable way to give the 200 credits without stopping this type of fraud we decided to go with the VIP 3

    I think you are forgetting something here , less than 100 people took part in that pool and to be honest the difference between the 2 was something like 20 votes. I don't know If you can count but last time I checked TC had more than 100 players....

    Now If there is something that really pisses me off is people thinking we are getting rich here ... NOBODY but NOBODY is making you spend money here ... and if you think you are paying a lot, 15 euros for VIP ,you can go play games where you would have to pay 3 or 4 times more to get a VIP that would not last 1 month.

    If you want give me your ID and i will make it sure you do not get any bonus for next round since you do not want it.

    This is from the initial post " What would you like ?! "..... as I said this was to see what people would prefer It does not say what you pick we will give.

    Please do not put words in my mouth because it is something I do not like ..........

  7. #7


    Cool story bro



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