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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Professions Feedback !!! R 100

    Hi guys ,

    I created this sticky thread so we can balance the professions together ... So please post here ideas on how to make them stronger , weaker or even events that can help with the balancing.

    Very important , please try to improve the profession you play this round before posting about other professions. Before you give us the feedback please write the ID , LVL and Profession you are, like in the example :

    Username : Bebynho
    ID :15905513
    Lvl 9 / Day 40 Tc
    Professions : Businessman

    Suggestion : Increase building production percentage ... or give him another building slot . Businessman has big problems with making money and if we look at one of his advantages , investment period of only 3 days, we will realize that IF you start to play this profession day 100 you basically do not have it.

    Another option : Increase duration of investment to 4 but allow him to go up to day 130 ... this makes it hard for him to make money early but he would make some nice cash later with invest item.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    Username : Empek
    ID: 15403221
    Lvl 10 / Day 40 Tc
    Profession : Robber

    Suggestion : Well, robber have big advantage at making power requirements for levels, i think it should be reduced. even playing solo, it wasn't huge problem to make power enough to pass level.
    Another option : Increase power for other prof. because now, only robber and hitman can make easy stats power to pass levels, and others keep losing it, it should be help for solo players, who play with other prof. i can just understand how hard is to make power playing solo with for example pimp, who need to train charisma, and he don't get any power from this, and you can imagine how long solo player will need to make power to pass level. (this is about rob/gang robb power)

  3. #3


    Username : yoBogdan
    ID :13008413
    Lvl 6 / Day 40 Tc
    Professions : Hitman

    My personal review: I think Hitman is a really fun profession to play if you like to hunt, but it's a bit too easy right now. I've stopped playing in day 8 and what can i say is that with thy way the game is right now(Hitman has big attack power and the others low attack power) it's pretty annoying. You just kill everyone and take jail like 5 times in 8 kills. And passing lvls should have nothing to do with stuff like robbing oil or selling for x amount to ships. It's true, it's not hard to do that but it's just not fun for a Hitman.

    Suggestions: - Make it harder for a Hitman to take jail or easier to get out and here you can just change things like: there are 12 lvls in game, for every lvl up your stay in jail will go down with 1 minute. (ex: if i take jail and i have lvl 10 i will stay in jail 20 minutes instead of 30). Or you can change the formula for cash bribe : the more tolerance you have, the lower the price will be. Or make a random day where you can find Jail Breakouts when attacking or robbing or something like just need to be creative and balance it.

    - Remove the requierments where a Hitman needs to sell to ships, have drugs or rob oil with gang. Instead, add special requierments like : Participate in x GAs, gain a total of x stats from single assaults etc.

    - Balance the way a Hitman can grow in lvls. It's too easy to make lvls early on. If oil comes around day 10 a hitman can have lvl 7 which is pretty bad(i made lvl 6 around day 4, that means i've completed 50% of lvls before playing even 5/184 days). Grow the power requierment for each lvl, like for lvl 5 instead of 20k, make it 50k-70k. And ask for more total respect at early lvls and lower at last lvls. I mean it's too easy to make 300k for lvl 7 and too much for Godfather, 13kk. Make it something like 1kk for lvl 7 and 8kk for lvl 12.

    - Remove the kills requierment for lvl. It's unnecessary and the majority of players are just making the kills by killing rabbits, exchanging kills with other players or just crying for donations. Remove this and add, like i've said earlier, requierments like gain x stats from attacks. This way you will actually make them hunt and not just beg for kills, train and spam limits.

  4. #4


    Username : Baker
    ID : 17376774
    Lvl 10 / Day 40 TC
    Professions : Broker

    Personal ideias:
    { Suggestion: Rework on how broker works, create special events for professions only. Just like robber will have TC rob far on, make it random events for different professions. Broker will win the round if it keeps going on how it's right now, easily. At day 150-160 certain stock will be 800$+ imagine someone with 80kk+ of that stock and holding until day 150+. The stock market system should be far more aggressive. How aggressive? Let's talk about the events: Their stock prices are going up! and Their stock prices are going down the drain! - The first option should actually up the price 50%+ on high risk stocks, while increasing 25% on medium risk and only 10% on lower ones. On the other hand, draining the stock could lower the price double of it. Maybe the high risk stock could go from 300$ to 30$, by doing that multi-accounts could lose everything or trying to sell it before the event. Or even more, maybe we could lost the stock in a new random event (idk this could be handy to robbers only, like a virtual gang that appears at certain time of the random day and they could sum power and try to ROB the SM). }

    { Otherwise: Make gangster still playable, maybe I don't want to choose a profession, can't I play gangster?? Create different missions on the Alley for each professions. We could remove some of the levels needs and include it on the alley as side-missions (Oil rob while as hitman could easily be one).
    Obligate professions to have certain stats before moving, not power. Example: Pimp having 300k charisma and not 100k power. Professions need
    Increase level requirements, it's harder to get level 5 than level 8? }

    How to actually reverse the problem of multi-brokers or team breaking the game mechanically. Make it random WHEN the stock will appear on the market. Make it random the VALUE it will appears on the market. Increase the delay of buying/selling, maybe buying takes 30s and selling takes 15s? Or do it randomly, maybe it could go from 3s to 30s? So the buyer could get tried from timing with his "side-account" or with his teammate.

    I do have some LITTLE knowledge of how the framework of browser games work and could help programming or just the project overall.
    Hope to see TC less broken then now.

  5. #5


    Good afternoon,

    I would just like to add that every profession should have missions commensurate with their assignments..., businessman kill 10 for a mission? this would only be for murderers.
    Thank you

    Username : willmoreschi
    ID : 17010335
    Lvl 8 / Day 41 Tc
    Professions : Businessman
    Last edited by willmoreschi; 03-29-2018 at 06:43 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I want to make sure you guys understand what this thread is about ... The thread was not created to complain about why some have to kill and why have to rob .. or why missions are not different! We are here to try to find why a profession is weak and how to make it stronger. That being said all post that are not like the example will be deleted instantly !!!! Spam and I will go further and ban !

  7. #7



    So... i woud like first to talk a lil bit of businesman character. First of all is, that i Just stopped playing this round when i realized there is only a minimal chance for businesman to reach top20 in this round. The only thing that businessman have is by lvl 13 of buildings and on godfather rang in cash something like 1.5kkk $ more than the others. So if i have now lvl13 all buildings +34% thats make with good drug prices something like Maximal 200kkk $ at Day 100 Just for selling drugs. With investitions x10 Times ull get some 500kk at day 100. SO there is very hard to reach 100kk respect at day100.

    There should be 2 options more for a businessman:

    - 6 or 7 building slots, or
    - 5 slots but 15-16 lvls of buildings with cheaper upgrade and less time to upgrade (u can speed up the time depend on the rang but max to lvl 10 character. rang). So that businessman can make +/- 10-12kkk cash a Day.

    You think now i am crazy motherf... but... Just Look at the Broker. If one broker buys now even 100kk high stocks and sell it on day 100 for 3k each he gets 300kkk cash SO he has 650kkk+ at the day100. What is if he bought more? He is unbeatable in this round, he buys just more credits and go fk and make detox per credits.... it is very unfair for the others.

    So now we come to the broker. 10kk stocks x35 is really too much.... just 35-40x 10k stocks would be enough when they make good profit on day 100. Im always talking about day 100 because of investitions u know. And Look at the stocks. 0 stocks at day 30..... why does dealer have always drugs to buy? ;>

    Im just saying the characters are not balanced u have to work on this. Just do few calculations...

    Next thing are the killers: if u give them SO many profits... give them also 300$ for top1 killer like for the 'respect ones'. I know that the game need to have some drammatic happenings but this round u gone crazy with killers. It is hard when u get -45k stats form hit by a killer just because he gets 15% more stats... and u cant do bill Gates with ur team hehe. .. i know killer has to kill... but a businessman has to do better business than the others and the broker can do more cash on stocks (but not SO much....) .

    The next thing is events and drug selling on ship for the rang.... i think this is very very bad for ppl who want to win and spend lot of time on this game. They are working hard to be the best and there should be no random chances for everybody to get next rang, or to wait for ship to become better Player ... its Just dont make a sense to sell something on ship to get a better rang... Lame Players who dont care about which place will they get at the end of the game has the same chances to get the same rang likr the other players that give much more 'gasolina' in this game

    The next thing is there should be more random events after 00:00am Germany. There were no events in this round till i stopped to play at day 33.... is the really random?

    I think there should be more events or there should be maybe 2-3 events at the same time so the players can choose what the will rob...

    The next thing is.... Santa claus should come back... but not with 10kk $ but with random items... u know. ... Santa claus.... gifts? ?? maybe a little bit random amount of cash like 500k-10kk because its really random and it should Come only 10-15 Times each round and not only at the beginning of the new TC Day. .. players could get random items like Googles of frotune, private care, jail breakout... but it aldo should not be availble for the whole Day. ... maybe ony 30-60 minutes? The game would become more 'random' for every player.

    Next thing is: if there are so many events for other char. than for killers, why should killers do not have own events? Like: the jails are overflowed with the criminals. There is no more place for ant deliquent in the jail. Every killers get today +10% stats from a kill and cant be put in the jail ' and this event connected with other event like illuminati etc...

    The last thing is... delete the Trust option for 1 round... just try it out an you will see the difrence to the other rounds. People are exploiting this option too much for trading kills or stats.
    In my opinion every Player is resbonsible for his own account and should'nt have any 'helper' in the game. You are a 1 person in this game and should work alone for your 'respect'.

    Thats all from me now.

    See you next round!


    PS: the pimp should have -50% off for hookers and 100%+ earnings from hookers to do something in this round hehehe ;P
    Last edited by Kalfasman; 03-30-2018 at 01:07 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Brazil, São Paulo


    Username : PadreEstripador
    ID :2547441
    Lvl 9 / Day 42 Tc
    Professions : Robber

    Suggestion: You could disable the loss of assault power in all professions (except killer), as it is virtually impossible to kill someone, especially a level 6 killer under these conditions. But if only disable is not possible, decrease assault power by 1, 2% on each level.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Username: Furan
    ID: 9868099
    Lvl: 10
    Profession: Robber

    I think the robber professions works perfect! I really like it! The only downside with the professions that I could think of would be that it requires a certain amount of Oil tycoon of Dubai robberies for one of the levels. I think it's stupid to put random events in the level assignments since some people might miss it while being at work or something like that. It makes it a lil bit unfair since they maybe have to wait 7-10-14 days or whatever it could take until that event happens again. Events should only be in the alley missions.

    The professions now adds more to the RPG feeling of the game since i think the professions works good for the play style you want to play. If you wanna play for top gang robber is the obvious choice since they can do a lot more robberies than other professions for example.

    Maybe the professions are unbalanced but I don't really know. Haven't tried the other professions myself.

    Another flaw i could think of would be that it requires kills for certain levels as a robber and since it's one of the weakest professions it doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

  10. #10


    Username: yKaulder
    ID: 17572896
    Lvl: 4 / Day 46 Tc Round 100
    Profession: Robber

    As a robber, i've noticed a problem with stats balance, because we don't have enough strenght to fight a hitman with much less Respect then us. This is a shame, whenever you enter a club or rave to recover stamina and meet someone who's hunting with much less Respect level, you still end bad on that fight. I think it should be fixed somehow, either growing robbers strenght scaling or lowering hitmans strenght scaling.



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