
I think the main problems are the LAG, current BUGS (tickets, robs) and RAVES (badrefresh), and some Transparency for smash the the corrupts issues.

So, every round some complains, thats the way it is, but dont forget, this is the only game with the Hunt/Kill system, everything else we can find it in other similar games.

Better than make changes, i bet for fix the problems.

The game must have some limit. Professions like they are, i think is running way from the game main target, so reducing some of them could be good. Just to see this particular thing, Hitman is playing in another and completely different league and that should not hapen, because is one of the main professions and the one who made more profit to game owners.
Raves or night clubs, is where everyone join and meet some time in game, not the square lol, so the game have Stamina, Robs and Killing, the main 3 things we should care about.

I know maybe i dodge a bit from the post, but is what i think in present day.
