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  1. #1

    Default Always in prison


    So few days ago I came back to this game after few years, to see how the game changed, but I have 1 big problem.

    I have around 30k robbing power and it's day 145 so looking for a gang where I can rob is useless. I can rob in virtual gangs, but it takes 60 seconds for single robbery, and that is just too much. I can't be on TC whole day just to get money from robberies. Now you might say, well just do solo robberies they are not that bad. But this is where I have this problem.

    I literally can't do solo robberies, because every 10th time I end up in prison. It was fine the first day I played, I was able to spend all my tickets and ended up in prison like 2-3 times ( for idk 150-200 tickets, whatever number you have at the beginning ).
    But at day 2 ( my second day ) this started happening. When I'm robbing in virtual gang I never go to prison, but when doing solo robberies I end up in prison once every 3-4 tickets.

    I tried robbing slowly not just immediately clicking, but the result is still the same.
    I tried buying my way out with money and then robbing again, but again the same.
    I tried buying my way our with items ( I have 10 items to escape from prison ), still the same.
    I tried waiting for my prison sentence to go away, but again everything is the same.
    I tried waiting for my prison sentence to go away, and also waiting for like 1-2 hours before robbing again, but still everything is the same.

    One thing that did work for me today, was robbing in virtual gang and solo at the same time, basically accepting every gang robbery and occasionally robbing solo. But I was online for like 2 hours to be able to do that ( 60 seconds each robbery ).

    Idk what to do, I want to spend my tickets every day, to get money, so I can buy drugs and stuff, but with this prison stuff i'm losing motivation.
    Obviously i'm just playing for fun, to see how the game evolved, but not being able to rob properly is something that I can't understand.

    My profession is businessman ( level 5 ), now idk if "8% higher risk of jail when assaulting" is meant only when I attack other players or also when I rob, but even if it is for robbing, I can't imagine that going to prison every 3-4 tickets ( 12-16 robberies, 25 % energy each ) is normal.

    So what is going on here ?

    I would imagine, that with the rule that multiple accounts are banned, you could at least rob solo without too many problems.
    I'm not saying that prison should not be there, but there should clearly be some limit to how many times one can end up in prison ( like once every idk 100 robberies ).

    Now like I said at the beginning, I came back after few years, so maybe I'm just doing something wrong ?

    Any help would be appreciated.
    Last edited by yack; 04-06-2019 at 08:33 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008



    Now the rob will actually tell you if you can do it or not .. Please rob only when you have 100 % probability of success in order to avoid jail . Before you rob make sure you have the gun specific for the rob you want to perform , single or gang
    Now regarding the jail when assaulting ... it happens because you are Businessman and not Hitman .. Avoiding jail is a trait for a hitman not you as businessman.

    Virtual gangs are quite slow and especially now when the round is over people will be off most of the time so I suggest single robs.

  3. #3


    Now I get it, I always started robbing solo at 92-93 %, so that's why I always ended up in jail.

    Now I bought new gun to increase my solo stats, and now i'm robbing with 100%. So far it works perfectly, I was able to spend around 100 tickets without getting jail.

    Thank you



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