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  1. #1

    Arrow READ. everyone's interest

    Look, I think you should give more reliability to those who really play the game. Because you claim that you need to FIND the mistake of those who play with bot, since we who are harmed, almost always by the same weaklings are helping you by saying what they are, and with that there should be a greater investigation on who is pointed out by countless people.
    It is very easy to know if he died because he went limp or died using advantage. While they have to click 3 times to kill, we have to click 1 button to exit.
    And as soon as we leave, we are already dead.
    Make a topic or a report-bot button in the players' profile, and let us honest players help you too, I think it would give the game more credibility. Nothing better than who plays and dies (for nothing) to know who uses bot or not. and also put a penalty for anyone who reports only for prejudice


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Romania, Bucharest


    Hello M4R4J4,

    Firstly, I would like to say that we're on the same page in regards to transparency and collective-effort, both from the inside and outside - in theory, that's called feedback and the crew is more than open to that, but, in a process-friendly approach, meaning that you are required to either:

    1. Give a general feedback when you're notified about it. The option can be accessed from Profile -> Game Review
    2. Give granular feedback after an event occurred or proactively via Help -> Support Center and picking the correct section. In your case, it would be Abuse - Reports only, and they do have their internal tracking system, plus, certain methods to bundle all cases into one.
    3. In case you would like to take an extra mile, I'm sure that Bebynho ([email protected]) is more than open to receiving e-mails in regards to the game so he, along with the team know what areas of the game need improvement/refinement. A group of people can cover an x amount of cases, but, the more brains come together, the more cases are covered. It's all about understanding every perspective and applying a common ground.


    Now, about your suggestion, I see it as a "convenience" rather than a must-have. In terms of software development, there's a step that cannot be skipped, and that's planning. In the project planning, you settle what your application does, from Core to Convergent. For the sake of simplicity, I'll label these scopes as: "Must-have", "Should have", "Could have". This case falls under the "Could have" because:

    1. You already have a method available to report such anomalies via the support center. The method can be accessed either as a 'Guest' (Non registered user) or as your own account, once logged into it via Help -> Support Center -> Abuse - Reports only


    As I see it, you're asking for an easier approach to reporting anomalies without having to fill the form and have it somewhat automated. That's what I do for a living, simplifying things.

    How I'm seeing your recommendation from a developer standpoint:

    1. Possibility to report ATTACKS from the message center with a button (Report Attack under a "Flag" icon).

    That button would have the ability to:

    a. Submit a ticket in with pre-filled form information (Your ID, Reported user ID, a template subject ID for grouping and the assault as you see it in the message center)
    b. Have a drop-down to select from either rule #5 or #6, as these are the key rules embedded to assaults.
    c. Have a message-box where you can input your own description of the case. The more details, the better - it helps to understand your perspective upon the case, because most of the time, if not always, the indexed logs in their systems, is what the systems receive, not what the users perceive, because if we take it that far, it would overload the server even more to collect usage statistics real-time.

    2. Possibility to report a player from the user profile, with the same functionalities.

    a. Submit a ticket to with pre-filled form data (Your ID, Reported user ID, a template subject ID for grouping and the assault as you see it in the message center)
    b. Have a dropdown to select the rule or rules the player is reported for, with an information box that describes how that rule is broken (examples) so it would narrow down the erroneous reports.
    c. Message box with custom message.

    These two feature requests, would most likely be convenient if it would pop-up as a dialog with the form information and with a Cancel/Submit button.


    What needs to be taken into account:

    1. and are separate platforms, and each platform has it's own separate "ecosystem" to take it as such. Here, I'm referring to where it is hosted, user account management, pricing etc. It's pretty complex to put in a few words.
    2. These two platforms, have different accounts if you have noticed. Once you access, you are required to create an account if you want to retain your ticket history, and personal information such as "Full-name, e-mail". The account creation is done under your own actions, and that account holds your own personal information (email addy, name) which is closely supervised by the GDPR.
    3. Leaving the programming part aside(the automation), the big picture behind is that a "COMMON BRIDGE" needs to be created, meaning that the two platforms need to be connected and have a single sign on feature. This common bridge comes at a cost, because each of us have a username which is held in some database. The easy way to facilitate this common bridge, is to have upon the account creation (, another account created for, so everything would be nicely organized, otherwise, to have a common username for each report - let's say, a TheCrims Generic account for reports done inside the game.


    These are only a few, extremely simplified puzzle the development/planning/management team need to take into account when implementing a feature.

    The questions that would come from TC's side:

    1. Is it worth it under the conditions that we already have and several methods that point directly to that platform?
    a. Not logged in: Help -> Support Center; Help -> Report a bug
    b. Logged in: Help -> Support Center; Help -> Report a bug
    c. Direct access with possibility to submit a ticket without an account, or with.

    2. Would it reach our expectations? Significant increase in reports, community involvement, etc.

    3. Do we have what we need to manage this change? Support people, back-end algorithms to automate these reports and also make our lives easier. Not everything is about programmatically approaching certain problems, because if you go that path, you have to automate everything and that's a lot of work, meaning it will fall under the "Is it worth it" category.


    In short, what you're suggesting is already available in another way, but requires a few actions from your side. The convenience you are requesting is indeed a visionary idea, since nowadays, the scope is to simplify everything, but, it's up to the Game (The Crims' personnel) to assess the feasibility.

    What I could tell you, is that the Platform you are using, is credible due to all the micro-features it has. It's close to having everything a web platform (service) needs - your problem is the credibility conferred by the Crew, but that's a matter of perspective. This subject as is, is pretty sensitive and complex and is outside of topic.


    In attention to those that will roll their eyes when they'll see this TL;DR, the intent was to cover as much as possible, in as few words as possible, for every audience to understand - you, the user, and the Crew.
    The more everyone understands, the better.

    Gabriel - derTiger
    Last edited by derTigerx; 03-01-2020 at 10:11 PM. Reason: Modified the hyperlinks with the correct protocol (https) instead of www as it redirects to the incorrect site.
    Survival of the fittest only the strong survive!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by M4R4J4 View Post
    Look, I think you should give more reliability to those who really play the game. Because you claim that you need to FIND the mistake of those who play with bot, since we who are harmed, almost always by the same weaklings are helping you by saying what they are, and with that there should be a greater investigation on who is pointed out by countless people.
    It is very easy to know if he died because he went limp or died using advantage. While they have to click 3 times to kill, we have to click 1 button to exit.
    And as soon as we leave, we are already dead.
    Make a topic or a report-bot button in the players' profile, and let us honest players help you too, I think it would give the game more credibility. Nothing better than who plays and dies (for nothing) to know who uses bot or not. and also put a penalty for anyone who reports only for prejudice
    I have to say , having a report button directly on a player's profile is quite an interesting idea and I hope we can have that in a couple of rounds but this would not be easy as Tiger explained ....
    This next one tho , we cannot because our DEV is already working on districts and a couple of other changes , and these are quite major changes for the game.

    I am working like crazy , well trying and thinking about ways to protect you guys from cheaters especially now that VIP is actually a paid service... so starting next round I already set a limit when it comes to VIP users. It will not fix the problem of cheaters but at least it will make your round easier.

    PS: thank you Tiger for a complete answer !!!!



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