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Thread: Killer

  1. #1

    Default Killer


    I would like to comment on the "possibility" of excluding the killer from the game, I think that doesn’t solve anything, since excluding the killer, the people will take another class, put in full force and make him a killer, so it’s kind of a shot on the foot.

    I would like to propose an idea, this idea would reduce considerably the killers and would also help in the issue of donating stats, because as stated above, just taking out the killer will not help at all.

    Every rave could only have 1 type of drug, no one will be able to see which drug, nor will they be able to see the class, respect and country of the other player that is found at the rave, I think, that way, 99% of stats donations would end. (Another thing I want to put, Top Killer does not attack other Top Killer, this is very complicated, in a blind hunt it would also end, the top killers would start losing a lot of stats), and it would also considerably decrease the number of killers.

    Another idea would be that the killer doesn’t gain stats when he kills someone, but this rule should apply to all classes, if not people would choose another class to play as a killer, they could buff him in training, I don’t know, something around 20 % or 30% more in training.

    As you said of Bebynho, the Bot, Scripts, Macros, the players are evolving the programs, thus getting more and more complicated for you from the TC to be able to ban, so I think that there really should be a reformulation of the punch system in the game

    I'm playing the Beta and as far as possible, my FeedBack step for Shadow and Generozo, and I can say, this beating model was easier than the current one, about the stats gaining equally, it's something good, but we need to know what will be the new goals for Lv 13 - Godfather

    I hope that somehow I was able to help with something, I really like this game, and we are seeing that with each passing day it strengthens certain types of class ....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Well ....

    We are not going to remove hitman .. we are not because well we need a class like this in the game. For next round we are working on perfecting the hunting system so what you are seeing on beta is not the final version... we are trying to make it better both for hitmans and for those that are trying to escape

    Let me tell you a little secret .. we calculated yesterday how much it would cost in credits for someone to play for TOP KILLERS if they are not hitman .. and we got to 50.000 credits ... I am telling you now nobody in their right mind would do that so If I am going to remove hitman I do not think people will play on businessman and risk paying 500 euros to get a skull.

    Every round we are trying to improve the game for the majority of the players and I will continue trying to do that so I can't waste anymore time with cheaters ... What I need and what i am trying to do is to remove them from the game and that will happen in one way or another



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