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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Exclamation Gangs the future !

    NOTE: The numbers here are not final. I am still working on that and with feedback these numbers will probably change before implementation. Everything that you see here might change ! I am sharing this because I want you guys to see I do take feedback seriously and I think it is time for gangs to see a change.

    Firstly we need to re-think how top gang’s respect is calculated, At the moment the way top gang’s respect is calculated is as follows:

    * Gang points given by upgrades + player gang points from robs ( not 100 % sure )

    The new way we should calculate it is

    * Gang points from upgrades + players gang points + Points from Gang Wars

    In order to do so when a gang is attacked the ones losing gang points are the PLAYERS and not the gang and they should lose from the gang points they gained from ROBS


    Now let’s move to the actual change I want to make to gangs, I think the gangs are the same for too long now so we have to add new things to them for example:

    A. New Upgrades.

    B. Gang Upgrade System.


    A. New Upgrades.

    A1. Hush money: Allows the member of the gang to pay less bribe when jailed ( 70% less bribe at lvl 10 upgrade )
    Same price per upgrades as the current HQ improvements
    Unlocks when Robbery Strategy is at lvl 6.

    A2. Defense strategy : Increases members tolerance by a max of 30 % ( 10 lvl x 3% per lvl )
    Same price per upgrades as assault HQ improvements
    Unlocks when Training protocol is at lvl 7.

    A3. Drug Mules: The leader of the gang can call for some special favours from his buddies the KINGPINS. The mules will give the gang members part of their stash and they can arrive in the Crims City in 10 days TC from the moment they are called by the gang leader. The amount of drugs they will give the members is directly influenced by the lvl of the upgrade

    * The leader can pick any drug from the drug list
    * The mules can be called at any time but when he arrives the amount of drugs given to the members of the gang is going to be based on the upgrade lvl the gang has at the moment of their arrival.
    * Only active gang members will receive the drugs at the moment of the mules arrival
    * Unlocks when HQ is upgraded to LVL 6
    Same price per upgrades as HQ improvements

    Lvl 1 upgrade : 10 kk drugs units
    Lvl 2 upgrade : 25 kk units
    Lvl 3 upgrade : 50 kk units
    Lvl 4 upgrade : 75 kk units
    Lvl 5 upgrade : 120 kk units
    Lvl 6 upgrade : 250 kk units
    Lvl 7 upgrade : 350 kk units

    A4. Weapons protocol - All gang members take advantage of an intensive weapons training course. Increased weapon damage bonus.
    Same price per upgrades as HQ improvements

    Lvl 1 - 2%
    Lvl 2 - 4%
    Lvl 3 - 6%
    Lvl 4 - 8%
    Lvl 5 - 10%
    Lvl 6 - 12%

    Same price per upgrades as HQ improvements

    A5-1. Kill Veve [ Event ] - gang leader sets up a trap for his buddy VEVE. He invites him for a coffee but instead he will assault him with the gang.
    This is an event that the gang leader can set up for his gang every 15 TC days from the last time it was created, Basically he will set up a GA on VEVE.

    1st time he sets up the GA, VEVE will have between [ 500K and 600 Assault Power (AP) ], The Reward will be 10k stats per player, that they can use when ever they want.
    2nd time VEVE’s AP between 850k and 1.1kk - Reward 20k
    3rd time VEVE’s AP between 1.2 kk and 1.7kk - Reward 30k
    4th time - between 1.7kk and 2.3 kk - Reward 40k
    5th time - between 2.4kk and 3kk - Reward 50k
    6th time - between 3.1 kk and 4 kk - Reward 60k
    7th time - between 4.1 kk and 5 kk - Reward 70k
    8th time - between 5.1 kk and 6.5 kk - Reward 80k


    An alternative to Kill VeVe Event is this one

    A5-2 Street fights

    The gang leader has 5 different gangs or crews ( bots ) that he can set GA on and attack them with the gang.
    What would differ from the previous event. Well as a leader i know the power of my gang and my members, and I will be able to choose who to assault out of the following list and i can do it any time I want and I could assault whoever I want.

    Johny 500K and 600AP -Reward 10k stats
    Max’s Crew between 850k and 1.1kk - Reward 20k
    Andrew the butcher’s Crew between 1.2 kk and 1.7kk - Reward 30 k
    Lobster girl - between 1.7kk and 2.3 kk - Reward 40k
    Prime - between 2.4kk and 3kk - Reward 50 k
    Milos the cutter - between 3.1 kk and 4 kk - Reward 60 k
    Laski - between 4.1 kk and 5 kk - Reward 70 k
    Ms15 gang - between 5.1 kk and 6.5 kk - Reward 80 k

    You can create an assault every 4 days TC

    A6.Gang bank:

    Works as the normal bank in TC , the only thing is they can invest gang points .
    Each player can store their gang points and the gang will receive a small interest for that . Atm we have 2% for 120 days in the normal bank here we can make it different a little bit by asking them to upgrade for example

    Lvl 1- 500.000.000 interest rate will be 1% for 40 days
    LVl 2 - interest rate will be 2 % for 40 days
    Lvl 3 - interest rate will be 4% for 40 days

    A7.Gang Wars.:

    Random event that will come 4 or 5 times per round. We will try to make it weekly where gangs will fight each other.

    As a leader of the gang I could send a challenge to a rival gang.
    The challenge would last for 4 h tc .. If the other gang doesn’t answer it means they forfeit and in doing so LOSING 2% of the GANG’S POINTS ( not players )

    If the other leader accepts the 2 gangs will fight… ofc a message will be sent to the gang and they will have to accept a GA on the leader of the gang they are fighting …
    Said message would be displayed in the GANG ASSAULT page.

    From the moment the challenge is sent and accepted , members from both gangs have 5 real minutes to accept the GA.

    After those 5 minutes the battle will begin and the winner will be the gang with more AP
    Winner gets 4% of the loser’s gang points

    NOTE : If nobody from the 2 gangs accepts the GA , the winner will be the gang that sent the challenge

    You can only fight a gang once a day..
    In order to take part in a gang war you need at least 6 trusted members in your gang
    Even though they are not in the gang when the challenge was sent.
    The top gang list will show all the gangs that have 1 leader and at least 1 trust.
    You can't send a challenge to a gang that is 10 position under or above your position in the standings


    Rules for gang members

    1. Only trusted members can get gang bonuses.They do not need to be in the gang to get the bonuses , players only need to have trusted added.
    2. A player can have trusted to 4 gangs per round.
    3. After you lose trust in a gang you must wait 5 TC days to get a new trust in a new gang.
    4. The gang leader can give max of 15 trust invite per round. Trusts will be linked to gang's ID and not the leader's ID
    5. Only trusted members can donate to the gang.
    6. Only trusted members can invest gang points in the Gang Bank.
    7. Only trusted members can participate in gang wars.
    8. Only the gang leader can send / accept / reject a gang war
    9. A player's gang points won't be part of the gang's respect until he is a trusted member


    B. Gang upgrades system

    We need to create a system where they wont be able to put their money in just 1 upgrade, It would be nice to create something like below:

    If they Upgrade lvl 1 HQ they unlock the following

    LVL 1 Hush money, LVL 1 Robbery strategy , LVL 1 weapons protocol

    What I want to accomplish by doing this is to not allow gangs to abuse just 1 upgrade.

    EDIT : I made this change under each new gang upgrade .. but as u can see it is very very basic …

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    Last edited by eagleking52; 05-09-2021 at 01:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello Bebynho,

    Rules for gang members

    Only trusted members can get gang bonuses.They do not need to be in the gang to get the bonuses , players only need to have trusted added.
    A player can have trusted to 2 gangs per round.
    After you lose trust in a gang you must wait 5 days tc to get a new one in a new gang.

    To this part, We can also add Trusted Member Limit. So 1 gang can have maximum ..... trusted member.

    If we do not put limit, 1 person can make 100 trusted to up his spies. And then he can use these stats to milk somehow.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    yeah we could limit that to let's say 15 trusts per gang but what would that do ?
    Unless we say that only trusted members can donate to gang this change won't make sense..
    in any case the change that only trusted members will have access to the bonuses is huge because that touches training protocol as well

  4. #4


    Yes link all the other upgrades to HQ so in order to unlock them they need to upgrade it first .... even if that means increasing the price of HQ a little. We can also link some upgrades to the others for ex A5. Kill Veve [ Event ] is related to stats, assaults so in order to upgrade it the lvl of Weapons protocol also related to assault power must be the same so they will be forced to upgrade those 2.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    - how can u attack a gang which is not in top? what if they stay 4 in gang? then it doesn't show. so u need to show all gangs with at least 2 members = more fights
    - "a gang leader can give max 15 trusts per round". what if the leader is changed? the new one has also 15 trusts to give out?
    - bank interest: can a player withdraw anytime? or he must wait exactly 40 days for the invest to finish?

    have your say here (it can be any way. i don't push anyone to vote one way or another. just vote so it will mate):

  6. #6


    A7.Gang Wars.:

    The round has 4 weeks that makes it 4 weekends , we could have gang wars every weekend. How would this work ….

    As a leader of the gang I could send a challenge to a rival gang.
    The challenge would last for 4 h tc .. If the other gang doesn’t answer it means they forfeit and in doing so LOSING 2% of the GANG’S POINTS ( not players )

    If the other leader accepts the 2 gangs will fight… ofc a message will be sent to the gang and they will have to accept a GA on the leader of the gang they are fighting …
    Said message would be displayed in the GANG ASSAULT page.

    From the moment the challenge is sent and accepted , members from both gangs have 5 real minutes to accept the GA.

    After those 5 minutes the battle will begin and the winner will be the gang with more AP
    Winner gets 4% of the loser’s gang points

    NOTE : If nobody from the 2 gangs accepts the GA , the winner will be the gang that sent the challenge

    You can only fight a gang once a week ..
    In order to take part in a gang war you need at least 6 trusted members in your gang
    Even tho they are not in the gang when
    Can you send only 1 challenge a week?
    Or can you send a challenge to multiple gangs?
    If you can send a challenge to multiple gangs, what's going to happen is that the top gangs are going to bully all the other gangs.
    I wouldn't think it's fair that no matter what I do, if I have a challenge from another gang, that I automatically lose.
    And you have to be online for 4h in case someone decides to accept the challenge so that you can accept within 5 minutes? On the weekend? When it's going to be summer in the next round? Is it a pre-requisite that you don't have a life to play TheCrims somewhat competitively?

    You could make Gang Wars random, a separate section, where you can apply to be challenged and all the gangs are anonymous - you don't know who you're challenging or who has challenged you.
    If you apply for Gang Wars, then other gangs can challenge you within an hour. Once someone challenges you, both gang members have 5 minutes to accept. Once 5 minutes have passed or both gangs are ready, the challenge automatically begins and the gang with higher AP wins and you find out who you've challenged/who challenged you.
    Each gang can only participate in Gang Wars once an hour.
    This would make it like a lottery - I don't know if I'm going to win or lose, but with the scenario before, if I'm a weaker gang, I know for sure I'm going to get ****ed up whether I accept or decline.

  7. #7


    I partly agree with the above on Gang Wars. I don't think there should be a penalty for forfeiting or refusing the challenge.

    Let lower ranked gangs duke it out, if they don't want to fight higher ranked ones, they shouldn't be punished... I am certain there will be lots of challenges between gangs, even if no one is forced to accept!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by sylph View Post
    Can you send only 1 challenge a week?
    Or can you send a challenge to multiple gangs?
    If you can send a challenge to multiple gangs, what's going to happen is that the top gangs are going to bully all the other gangs.
    I wouldn't think it's fair that no matter what I do, if I have a challenge from another gang, that I automatically lose.
    And you have to be online for 4h in case someone decides to accept the challenge so that you can accept within 5 minutes? On the weekend? When it's going to be summer in the next round? Is it a pre-requisite that you don't have a life to play TheCrims somewhat competitively?

    You could make Gang Wars random, a separate section, where you can apply to be challenged and all the gangs are anonymous - you don't know who you're challenging or who has challenged you.
    If you apply for Gang Wars, then other gangs can challenge you within an hour. Once someone challenges you, both gang members have 5 minutes to accept. Once 5 minutes have passed or both gangs are ready, the challenge automatically begins and the gang with higher AP wins and you find out who you've challenged/who challenged you.
    Each gang can only participate in Gang Wars once an hour.
    This would make it like a lottery - I don't know if I'm going to win or lose, but with the scenario before, if I'm a weaker gang, I know for sure I'm going to get ****ed up whether I accept or decline.

    There are many things missing from this post and clearly this is not ready.... I did not have the time to make it all and this is why we have to take our time with this.

    I do like the idea of having gang wars random as you said and not make people waste a weekend especially when TC loses 50 % of its players during the weekends.

    I do not like the idea of not losing when you reject a challenge tho, what happens If you are top 1 gang and I am top 2 gang leader and for a fact I know I can win vs your gang but you never accept my challenge or never join GANG WARS ?!
    If you are a leader who clearly has no intent in fighting other gangs how will I assault your gang?! you will just stay there rob non stop and probably make top 1 3 by just doing that ?! And it seems in TC at the moment we have many leaders like that
    For a gang to stay in top IT MUST FIGHT OTHER GANGS , it is like this in real life and in most other games if not in all.

    "a gang leader can give max 15 trusts per round". what if the leader is changed? the new one has also 15 trusts to give out?

    This question is a little bit pointless since I already answered you once.... trusts given by leader will not be linked to the leader's ID but to the GANG's ID. Meaning once the gang reached 15 trusts you can have 15 new leaders but not a 16th trust . I hope that is clear now.

    In any case the more questions you are asking the better it is because the better balanced this will be. The idea as I said is to give gangs a purpose which now in my opinion is missing since GANGS have been this way for a long long time. A gang should not be only ROB ROB ROB or GA , GA , GA... it is way too simple and honestly at this point after so many changes we've made to the game , a little bit boring

    I will not be making this easy for you guys... the game as to EVOLVE and that means you need to ADAPT and leave that area of comfort you are in at the moment.

  9. #9

    Default this change bad.

    what? this idea bad.

  10. #10

    Default Hi boss and all friends

    I want the gang section to change like you and I will present 1-2 ideas.

    I hope you will like it.

    1- New gang robbery and earns points as a reward! (This idea can be developed.)

    2- New gang item is activated for 10 minutes and can double the amount of points earned. (This idea can be developed.)

    - This item can be given this way in VIP packages;

    These ideas can be developed and used.
    I am waiting for your ideas.

    Best regards...



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