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  1. #1

    Default Put The Alley far from Nightlife

    I'm playing as a Robber right now, so I have to click in Robberies and Nightlife a lot, but The Alley button is right bellow the Nightlife button, and happens that I click in The Alley sometimes instead of clicking in Nightlife, and The Alley page reload because it might be in another server, or something like this.
    So I think you could put the Hookers bellow the Nightclub, this way when you miss the click the page won't reload and the flow can keep good.
    When using computer I could use 2 windows, but I play TC a lot in my mobile and it always happens.

    I've already suggested it to a Crew, but I wanted to know from other players and to register it here.
    - wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are - (Kurt Cobain) -


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Hello ..

    I will ask our dev about this. I hope it won't be a major change and we can do it for next round

  3. #3


    I agree with DAKAR. The Alley next from robbery button is very annoying especially when you're robbing fast with googles / bingo / economy / reinforcement because you can miss click in Alley and lose some seconds and efficiency of itens when you're robbing with 300-1200 tickets. And unfortunately one time it happened in the speed of robs I miss click Alley and miss click in ignore mission, losing the benefits of Alley quest and gotting riled up. Thanks for checking this possible change next round. See ya

  4. #4


    Good point my friend gguizzoo, I hadn't thought of that.

    Thanks Bebynho for taking this into consideration.



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