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Thread: konto multi

  1. #1

    Default konto multi

    czy można zrobić atak na swoją kukłę/multi konto?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello Pawulon,

    If you have Vip2 or 3 on your main account, we allow you to create a multi account.

    But, if you want to hit your multi and take stats & kills, you must fulfill below conditions.

    Main account must have VIP3 pachage.
    Multi account must have at least VIP1, or you can also buy VIP2 or VIP3.

    And, from profile >>> multis tab, you must create multi connection between these 2 accounts.

    Then you can kill or hit and get stats from it.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  3. #3


    thank You for the answer.
    please clear one point for me:
    "After 10 assaults by or on the same player the stats change is limited to 1% " - this is one of the attributes when You buy VIP1-3. does it mean, that after 10 assaults from main account it will be reduced to 1%? (on the other hand - what is the stat ingrow during assault?)

    best regards

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello Pawulonn,

    10 assaults limit is for all players and yes. For multi as well, multi will lose 1% stats after 10th hit by you.

    This is why we removed 20 hits limit. When we created secondary account system, we planned to limit it with 20 hits and after 20 hits, you would not receive stats.

    But, you are gaining 1% after 10th hit, so we removed the limit. You can smack 100 times and you will keep receiving stats.

    Kills are already limited with 20 per player to same account. So, it is same for multi as well.

    Additionally, if you buy Guards on multi/secondary account, stats lose amount will drop related to guards as well.
    If you buy all guards, they will reduce the amount 30%.
    If you receive 1% before, with guards, you will receive 0.7%.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  5. #5


    Już wszystko wyjaśnione. Dziękuje
    Last edited by Lestrange; 03-16-2021 at 07:20 PM.



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