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  1. #1

    Default de ce-i n3nd in crew team

    [117 16:21] maru ma injuri .. smecherule .. in realitate nici scuipatu nu il dau pe tine ca iti creste cota
    [117 16:21] BlackBrain666 boldeanca
    [117 16:23] BlackBrain666 nu am nevoie
    [117 16:24] BlackBrain666 ca-s peste tine
    [117 16:24] maru boldeni, bidinari , spoitori , cocalari .. sunt rase idiotule
    [117 16:26] maru bravo tie .. acum numai cauta anturaj
    [117 16:26] BlackBrain666 stiu idiotule
    sunt tigan... si-s mandru.... da n3nd ii un fraier

  2. #2


    [117 16:24] maru boldeni, bidinari , spoitori , cocalari .. sunt rase 1 vreau sa stiu de c e am luat chat ban de ......... nu dau nume Mihai

  3. #3


    de ce esti pussy si pui doar ce vrei tu ?? uiti ca crew members pot vedea istoricul total al chat-ului ? ai inceput sa ma injuri total aiurea fara sa iti scriu vreodata ceva!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello Everyone,

    I believe you are just confusing things and trying to manipulate crews by showing the words from your side. Lets end this.

    Crews are not making double standards. You just need to stop being so sensitive on every single case. Every single words or insults, may not be about you. So, lets stop feeling offended from every single word.

    Additionally, @maru, I do not want to see racist words, or any words, seperating any group from a community or exclude any group from all others, is not acceptable. So, directing a word against a group of people will get you only a ban. I will not accept that.

    This is 1 and last warning to you all. And enough. You are all Romanian and you are all same, like all Turkish people are same against others. I hope you understand my point of view.

    No one is special here and we will not protect anyone or we will not allow anyone doing shits in game and continue without any punishment.

    Please do not forget, ban even can be permanent. Do not underestimate this warning because you think you only get chatban. Because, this is not that simple.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]



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