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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Exclamation Vip packs, refunds, re rolls !!!

    Hi boys and girls ,

    I want to talk to you about an issue that seems to be occurring with more frequency than I would like to be honest,and that is asking for a free VIP pack or Paypal money back. Which of course it is in your right, but let me share to you my point of view on this one as a player and owner.

    I made VIP pack with MONEY because simply we could not survive anymore with the prices we had at that moment and that is simple economics, if you have prices for 2000 and your expenses are for 2020 well, you will go bankrupt quite fast.

    So in the past 2 3 rounds we had players coming to us asking for FREE VIP or their MONEY BACK because they have encountered a BUG IN THE GAME or they had LAG or the craziest reason, got banned for RULE 5.

    Now as a player when I spend money in a game I am doing it knowing that at one point i will have a problem with the game but that is my choice and my choice only so my request to you is TO PLEASE BUY VIP ONLY IF YOU think and you know you don't need the 15 euros because under no circumstances WILL I AGREE to a refund just because the game bugged or lagged and you lost 200 k stats in rave.

    This is the internet, there will be lag , on your side on our side but there will be lag.
    This is a game which means there will be bugs at one points and if that bug can be re rolled no harm no foul.

    Now the rules are the same for ALL, prove to us the bug we analyse it and we will re roll the action but under no circumstance will that lead to a refund... If that would be the case probably games would go bankrupt after 1 month.

    I am always there for players and many of them can agree that when they had issues with the game I was there and if they were right I re rolled the action with no problem.
    Now I want to make something clear, If your issue is not game related meaning that you are the reason for the loss and if you are top 1 5 I will never re roll an action since that can create major problems for us.

    In the spirit of full transparency I am here explaining to you how we handle various situations and I will answer questions If any of you guys have some via email but bottom line BUGS AND LAG are not a reason for me to refund a VIP pack.

    So please support us only If you can, this is a game so let's treat it like such.


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    Last edited by Generozo; 05-27-2020 at 11:39 PM.

  2. #2


    there are still bugs, he is hit again in a club where no one is present, another error that has occurred since the previous edition it's such that after clicking the exit button nothing happens.

    I made VIP pack with MONEY because simply we could not survive anymore with the prices we had at that moment and that is simple economics, if you have prices for 2000 and your expenses are for 2020 well, you will go bankrupt quite fast.
    ok. nobody blames you for that, it's a normal move. but when you take money for something, do it right that there are no errors in the game which are repeated every edition.
    this bugs is still there and it's really sad.

    This is a game which means there will be bugs at one points
    only those mistakes that are repeated in this game, are not repaired.
    please show us another game which has micropayments and which has the same bugs as the new release.

  3. #3


    Hi there, long time no see.

    I played for only short time now, but I didn't notice any bugs yet so I would say good job tc crew. I like the changes so far. Seems I'll have enjoyable Christmas. If I see something disturbing I'll let you know ^^
    Last edited by Szto; 12-11-2020 at 06:11 PM.

  4. #4


    You're completely right, if you don't enjoy playing because lag or something, then just don't buy VIP, most of you guys are really annoying, devs clearly do the possible to solve game issues, fast as they can (at least i see that happening, especially when i have some kind of trouble, they always help me), you guys should understand that it is not easy to let the game like 100% all the time, but they really try, and that's the most important.



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