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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Belo Horizonte

    Default Problemas no round - Lags e mensagens

    Bom dia,

    Mais uma reclamação.

    O jogo está terrivelmente comprometido pela intensidade dos LAGS. Quando encontro alguém nas raves não consigo sair e nem dar overdose. O negócio é esperar a porrada e essa certamente vem.
    Outro problema é a demora em esvaziar a barra da estamina. Quando faço o roubo, tenho que esperar a conta aparecer que está participando ou a overdose é certa.
    Estão aparecendo várias mensagens sem sentido: "Method is not avaiable" e muitas "Alguma coisa deu errado" (essa se perde a estamina)
    O jogo perdeu a rapidez e isso irrita.
    O que deveria ser diversão está virando uma máquina de stress.

    Por favor! Tentem resolver esses problemas. Não fica barato pra ninguém ficar gastando dinheiro pra jogar e o desgaste está muito grande, o que pra mim é bastante desanimador. Obrigada.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008



    I find quite weird that you are suffering from lags and people in Europe do not considering that our servers are in the US.
    Lag goes both ways and since from the EU side I am not receiving complaints I do not see a reason for me to increase the number of servers but I will keep on eye on it.
    Last edited by Bebynho20; 06-20-2022 at 01:14 AM.

  3. #3


    There are definitely lags in EU... Some days more intensified than others...
    All the other problems mentioned are also constant, and lately i experienced one where you get stuck inside raves after trying to hit someone(he escapes) and a popup saying an action is being made against you. This causes you to be stuck inside the rave until the timer runs out, meaning you are a free hit to someone who walks in.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Bebynho20 View Post

    I find quite weird that you are suffering from lags and people in Europe do not considering that our servers are in the US.
    Lag goes both ways and since from the EU side I am not receiving complaints I do not see a reason for me to increase the number of servers but I will keep on eye on it.
    Why instead of flaming on a comment over the lags and problems, fix them?
    Not only Brazilians complains, see the reply above.

    You fail so much to recognize the game's flaws, even though they are clear as waster, if you played a least 30min/day you would find them and actually ~live~ these said situations when the game simply does not work as intended. Or are these bugs intended to happen?

  5. #5


    ok since you're not receiving complaints from EU let me tell you, the game is completly lagged, its horrible to play , u get constantly stuck on raves , stamina bar doesn't move sometimes which causes ODs ... sometimes seems impossible to kill/run from someone in a rave/mansion, it sucks if you want to fast rob ... it's very frustrating

  6. #6


    I am from EU, and I never got stuck in rave last round. I never had lag when I had to run from someone. About the stamina bar I can confirm that most of the time is not reliable and you have to refresh by clicking on alley or profile to see the real value but it's not a huge problem in my opinion.

    Usually the lag appears when the day changes and there's an event because there are a lot of players coming online at once, everybody spamming clicks to robb fast..but after ~30 minutes it gets better.

  7. #7

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Bebynho20 View Post

    I find quite weird that you are suffering from lags and people in Europe do not considering that our servers are in the US.
    Lag goes both ways and since from the EU side I am not receiving complaints I do not see a reason for me to increase the number of servers but I will keep on eye on it.
    Why always so defensive? People are giving their opinion, you should value that and use that to make the game better

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by SukMikeHawk View Post
    Why always so defensive? People are giving their opinion, you should value that and use that to make the game better

    At least this time he edited the reply for a better written one, more polite.
    Kudos to the GAME OWNER, respect the players, really.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello Vasco,

    I am not sure if you know English and whether you can speak English well.

    There is not any word offensive on the response. We do appreciate your opinions and we would like to give you proper response from our point of view.

    The issue here, we have not been receiving any report regarding lags from players recently and then suddenly we see some posts about lag here on forum. This seems to us a bit strange.

    Specially when we consider it is from Brazil. Because, our servers are in USA and Brazil is the closest country to have the connection as fast as possible.

    We can kindly advise you to check your computer and internet connection to see if there is any problem on their side.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by SukMikeHawk View Post
    Why always so defensive? People are giving their opinion, you should value that and use that to make the game better

    This is not defensive... I am stating a fact ! It is hard for us or for me to understand where the problem lies when I have conflicting info.

    Yesterday with event on I received a clip from a player showing me that the game works perfectly and that he doesn't understand how people complain about LAG ... His words not mine!

    It is very frustrating to have to repeat the same thing over and over again for the past 8 years. So one could understand why at one point one could snap.



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