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Thread: Bom dia

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Belo Horizonte


    Prezado eagleking52,

    Eu apenas fiz uma brincadeira sobre uma medalha para o round 138.
    Não havia nenhuma necessidade de virem aqui sugerir que eu procurasse outro jogo, mesmo porque estou no The Crims já faz um bom tempo.
    A questão é uma só: Eu não gosto da maneira grosseira como o bebynho se dirige a mim. Como consumidora, player e como ex crew, acho que mereço respeito. Gasto uma quantia de dinheiro considerável com esse jogo. O The Crims transcende a vontade do bebynho me querer longe. Acho mesmo que ele constantemente se dirige às pessoas de maneira grosseira, jocosa e muito pouco respeitosa.
    Não pretendo sair, a menos que ele resolva banir a minha conta como "persona non grata".

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello VanessaBHZ,

    We do not ban anyone outside the rules. So, until you break a rule, for sure you will not be banned.

    Regarding conversations, well it is not humiliating you or disrespecting you.

    We want to say that there is not any other game in the world where you can directly contact game owner or even game managers. Because we have crew teams for all of these things and they can directly get in touch with us for your questions if they cannot solve.

    However, on this game, we do take all of you serious and we do reply you all. Also, most of the times, game is going smoothier than before after we made some optimizations on the game and servers. We have not received any report of lags until your post.

    So, when we tell you to find another game, we kindly tell you, you should be nice against us as well when you report or complain about something. When we see such strict and rude complains, we do kindly ask you to find another game better than ours. This is another way of saying that our game is within our expectations now and we do not see problems about what you complain.

    That does not mean that we do not check according to your report. We do contact other players. We do login and test ourselves. We check with other admins. In the end, we find out that problem is not about servers or about our game connections. It seems to us it is about your connections and your PC.

    In that case, you need to understand that we cannot do anything about your PC. As long as internet and technologie evolves, you are also forced to improve your PC and internet, because you stay behind other players as well.

    About rudeness, I see some brasilians asking me calm down or asking me to stay polite sometimes even though I am polite and calm.
    I think this is because of the language translation from English to your language. Because, when we are being polite, it seems translation seems to you like we are rude.

    This is not because we are rude. It is because of translation or because of your understanding of English language. So, please do not feel offended with our words. We always try to keep our communication in a polite way and try to explain everything with details.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Belo Horizonte

    Default Prezado eagleking52,

    Quote Originally Posted by eagleking52 View Post
    Hello VanessaBHZ,

    We do not ban anyone outside the rules. So, until you break a rule, for sure you will not be banned.

    Regarding conversations, well it is not humiliating you or disrespecting you.

    We want to say that there is not any other game in the world where you can directly contact game owner or even game managers. Because we have crew teams for all of these things and they can directly get in touch with us for your questions if they cannot solve.

    However, on this game, we do take all of you serious and we do reply you all. Also, most of the times, game is going smoothier than before after we made some optimizations on the game and servers. We have not received any report of lags until your post.

    So, when we tell you to find another game, we kindly tell you, you should be nice against us as well when you report or complain about something. When we see such strict and rude complains, we do kindly ask you to find another game better than ours. This is another way of saying that our game is within our expectations now and we do not see problems about what you complain.

    That does not mean that we do not check according to your report. We do contact other players. We do login and test ourselves. We check with other admins. In the end, we find out that problem is not about servers or about our game connections. It seems to us it is about your connections and your PC.

    In that case, you need to understand that we cannot do anything about your PC. As long as internet and technologie evolves, you are also forced to improve your PC and internet, because you stay behind other players as well.

    About rudeness, I see some brasilians asking me calm down or asking me to stay polite sometimes even though I am polite and calm.
    I think this is because of the language translation from English to your language. Because, when we are being polite, it seems translation seems to you like we are rude.

    This is not because we are rude. It is because of translation or because of your understanding of English language. So, please do not feel offended with our words. We always try to keep our communication in a polite way and try to explain everything with details.

    Agradeço pela sua resposta, mas meu notebook e internet são muito bons. Eu tenho um Notebook Gamer Alienware m15 R6 da DELL e uma internet de 500 megas. É o que se tem de bom em se tratando de Brasil. Infelizmente acho que é difícil lidar com esses lags. Não sou só eu que reclamei. Outros jogadores da REVOADA também relataram essa dificuldade. Quero que vocês entendam que não tenho nenhuma intenção de criar tumulto ou desavenças com o CREW, mesmo porque já fui uma de vocês e sei o quanto é difícil ser moderador/líder ou dono desse jogo. Espero não voltar aqui pelo mesmo motivo.

  4. #4


    De volta aos velhos tempos.
    Oi Van. =)
    TheCrims Partner
    Sales Manager


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Belo Horizonte


    kkkk... Ei Kibe. :*

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Rio de Janeiro


    "Eu sou o dono da bola, eu escolho quem vai jogar e decido quem ganha e quem perde o jogo." eu ri alto
    "Temam a mim, eu sou o valentão por trás da tela do computador " kkkkkkk
    Last edited by Pablo69; 07-22-2022 at 03:44 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Rio de Janeiro, Brasil


    Quote Originally Posted by eagleking52 View Post
    Hello VanessaBHZ,

    We do not ban anyone outside the rules. So, until you break a rule, for sure you will not be banned.

    Regarding conversations, well it is not humiliating you or disrespecting you.

    We want to say that there is not any other game in the world where you can directly contact game owner or even game managers. Because we have crew teams for all of these things and they can directly get in touch with us for your questions if they cannot solve.

    However, on this game, we do take all of you serious and we do reply you all. Also, most of the times, game is going smoothier than before after we made some optimizations on the game and servers. We have not received any report of lags until your post.

    So, when we tell you to find another game, we kindly tell you, you should be nice against us as well when you report or complain about something. When we see such strict and rude complains, we do kindly ask you to find another game better than ours. This is another way of saying that our game is within our expectations now and we do not see problems about what you complain.

    That does not mean that we do not check according to your report. We do contact other players. We do login and test ourselves. We check with other admins. In the end, we find out that problem is not about servers or about our game connections. It seems to us it is about your connections and your PC.

    In that case, you need to understand that we cannot do anything about your PC. As long as internet and technologie evolves, you are also forced to improve your PC and internet, because you stay behind other players as well.

    About rudeness, I see some brasilians asking me calm down or asking me to stay polite sometimes even though I am polite and calm.
    I think this is because of the language translation from English to your language. Because, when we are being polite, it seems translation seems to you like we are rude.

    This is not because we are rude. It is because of translation or because of your understanding of English language. So, please do not feel offended with our words. We always try to keep our communication in a polite way and try to explain everything with details.
    O que? Você não tem vergonha na cara em falar isso (em inglês) no fórum brasileiro.

    Minha conta, com quase 18 anos de jogo, foi banida única e exclusivamente porque eu estava dando feedbacks indesejados (na opinião de vocês), sobre o jogo, na praça.

    O único motivo que se reservaram em colocar como sendo o do meu banimento foi: “Well, I help you to leave the game which you do not like. Bye bye!!!”

    A falta de vergonha na cara e arrogância começam aí: banir sem colocar regra (afinal, não desrespeitei nenhuma) e ainda acharem que estão certos.

    Abri Ticket e nada resolveu!

    O jogo está dessa forma e por isso está decaindo cada dia mais! Vocês não aceitam opiniões divergentes e saem banindo jogadores antigos que não concordam com vossa administração/gerenciamento.

    Agora, além de banirem, convidam os jogadores a se retirarem. O costume está tão forte que a resposta está nos últimos rounds: 100/200 on-line e olhe lá!
    Last edited by UltraKiller; 07-24-2022 at 02:43 PM.
    Mororus says:
    I wish you good luck in your real life. Specially with studies. They are important. knowledge is the most important wealth in the man life.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by UltraKiller View Post
    O que? Você não tem vergonha na cara em falar isso (em inglês) no fórum brasileiro.

    Minha conta, com quase 18 anos de jogo, foi banida única e exclusivamente porque eu estava dando feedbacks indesejados (na opinião de vocês), sobre o jogo, na praça.

    O único motivo que se reservaram em colocar como sendo o do meu banimento foi: “Well, I help you to leave the game which you do not like. Bye bye!!!”

    A falta de vergonha na cara e arrogância começam aí: banir sem colocar regra (afinal, não desrespeitei nenhuma) e ainda acharem que estão certos.

    Abri Ticket e nada resolveu!

    O jogo está dessa forma e por isso está decaindo cada dia mais! Vocês não aceitam opiniões divergentes e saem banindo jogadores antigos que não concordam com vossa administração/gerenciamento.

    Agora, além de banirem, convidam os jogadores a se retirarem. O costume está tão forte que a resposta está nos últimos rounds: 100/200 on-line e olhe lá!

    Falar em BAN, queria entender realmente alguns bans desse jogo.. ( o seu e o do messo.)

    Cara, como vocês escolhem uma pessoa pra ser crew? Por exemplo o Lost, fui pedir ajuda pra acessar o fórum de boa o cara simplesmente cagou (se quiser tenho as prints) acho que o crew precisa ajudar e não tratar do jeito que ele faz, o mesmo me deu BAN CHAT DE 31 DIAS, fora que precisou vim no PV AMEAÇAR que iria BANIR hahaha pqp ! por isso eu tiro onda contra o mesmo, muito despreparado PRA SER CREW, como pessoa nada contra. E não é só eu insatisfeito não, basta olhar o tanto de reclamação contra.

    Alguns BANS chat que eu tomei, beleza até aceito.. mas esse ultimo hahaha não fiz nada.

    Todos os BANS deveriam SEGUIR AS REGRAS DO JOGO, não sair distribuindo ban do jeito que acha certo.

    Parabéns ao NICETRY que ajuda como deveria ser.. e SHADOW também.



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