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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default I've played the game

    Well I had to do this mainly because I really wanted to see how the game felt after the rave change.

    Played PIMP, bid exactly 7 times for the entirety of the round , 0 boats , 1 VIP pack and probably around 1000 credits , didn't make the last 2 investments because I did not want to ruin people's game and I never took boat district either.
    Final respect 72 kk but again without day 40 ,44 , 48 investments so probably 100 KK is an easy mark if you want to have some fun. Used all my items on HOOKERS, WHICH BTW is BAD .. 3 on hookers and 1 on invest is better but since I bought the last 5 hookers instead of the last 4, the MATHS said this was the better choice... . As you can see I played 4 fun but even so I did use the following strategy to make level 6 fast ... You do need a VIP pack to do part of it ...

    Sell 1 sm from vip
    buy:999 str,999 tole,999 intel,999 charisma
    activate talisman
    6 tickets pocket(5% energy)
    buy 5 dolly
    make lvl 2 ->
    activate hangaround alley
    2 tickets taxi
    5 tickets kidnapp
    4 tickets grocery
    put 8k str from vip
    make lvl 3
    make gang/join gg,take trust, donate 0$ to training protocol to make 1st lvl, 1 train on str
    buy UMP 45(dont buy the bonus for weapons yet) and check power if its 4k for hire in carnival, if its close just robb 1 ticket to carnival with less power, if it needs more, buy the bonus for weapon with credits
    hire 100 tickets carnival with talisman, NO GOGGLES
    activate cookie
    robb for painkiller until you make 20kk and put to process
    robb 65 tickets for lsd
    robb 100 ac for lvl 4 alley
    robb 100 drug factory to make 200 robbs for lvl 6

    I robbed a lot this round and only died 11 times ... You have to consider the fact that I have not played the game in many years so I am a little bit rusty, that being said I honestly do not understand how some players die 100 times. I do not think the system as it is now is that bad to be honest if you play the game from a computer and not from a phone. I died 10 times ...

    Another thing that I found quite easy was leveling up. Before I was a little bit worried that getting to level 13 would be hard but clearly it is not , one only has to want to get there. I for one could not be bothered with the kills, which If you have a multi are quite easy to get.

    I made some changes to UNIVERSITY since I do not like the fact most TOP PLAYERS only use 2 courses , dealer and businessman. I nerfed the BM one and I buffed the broker and pimp ...I do not know if that is enough to bring some balance to the classes ,so feedback is needed here.

    Businessman will get a buff next round since it is the only one that can't reach 140 kk, which by the way is not a lot considering broker, dealer and a robber can reach 150 with ease.
    No other change will be made to professions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016


    Glad too see you back in gamee ) yy big buff pls to BM..

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Bebynho20 View Post

    Businessman will get a buff next round since it is the only one that can't reach 140 kk, which by the way is not a lot considering broker, dealer and a robber can reach 150 with ease.
    No other change will be made to professions.
    Businessman and pimp are safe professions, they will bring you to 130-140kk easy, even businessman can reach 140kk 100%. But they need other professions to have a bad round in order to win anything. A dealer with good boats reaches 150kk, a robber with good events reaches 150kk, a broker with high stocks reaches 150kk, but a pimp or a BM will never reach 150kk because the events do not influence those 2 professions that much, which I think it's absolutely fine since dealer, robber and broker are high risk high reward professions. You might have 5-6 high boats or just 1, you might have stocks at 1.4k$ or at 600$ etc.

    Speaking about raves, i think it's perfect the way they are now. I died just 7 times this round and that's because i robbed from phone like 100 tickets one night because i was too lazy to get out of the bed to robb from computer. And even if you die 20-30 times, the stats loss is not so important since you make it back easy from street fights.

    Edit: im talking here about a perfect play, you cant reach 150kk with ease with any of those professions. It's hard as ****, especially on dealer since there are 12312321 players ready to **** up your bids with idiotic prices.
    Last edited by Bogdan; 08-26-2022 at 10:23 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Sorry Beby, but i stopped reading after the 2nd line, just after you said "1 VIP pack and probably around 1000 credits". The VERY FIRST line a player sees when he opens is this: "Welcome to a new reality!
    The Crims is a Free Online RPG". End of discussion. No matter how you try to turn it. I understand and accept that you can change your game the way you want (it's your privilege and NO ONE can push you to do otherwise) but the word FREE and vip don't come together (not to add the credits). Let's do a simple maths: Before you overtook the game, it used to be 200 credits vip and that was all. basically a player had to buy credits for about 20 eur and he can play the whole round full throttle. now, with your changes (AGAIN: you have the right to change the game however you want), a player needs:

    Vip – 50 eur (non sharable codes, otherwise 60 eur with sharable codes, not to mention you need vip on multis also, so you can move stats)
    - 20 mafioso starter
    - 100 – buildings upgrade
    - 100 – hookers upgrade
    - 100 – weapons upgrade
    - Casino: 12 per day x 47 days = 564 for the round
    - Boats: about 8 ships x 15 credits per ship = 120
    - University: 150 x 2 = 300 (you will need 600 more for lvl 2 and 3)
    - Stock market: 10 x 10 = 100
    - Last day training 4 x 150 = 600
    - Bank investment every 4 days: 5 x 12 = 60
    - Weapons to buy (so you don’t use money): 135
    - Guards: 50
    - Laboratory – instant upgrades: 60
    During game credits:
    - Detox: every time you reach about 82 % - 85 % addiction you use 5 credits (at around 100 tickets). About 4 detox per 4 thecrims days: 20 x 13 = 260
    - About 30 deaths during round: 30 x 10 = 300. Besides that you need credits to get out of hospital, after you get hit, you will need also credits to up your hp bar so maybe next attack you won’t lose. So another 5 x 30 = 150

    Total: about 3619. Let’s make it round 4k credits.

    All expenses included (vip and credits) – easily 120 Eur (with multis vip included).

    After you draw the line you can see the results: before = 20 eur for 45 real days (full 180 thecrims days); now, 120 eur for 12 real days, which translates in 360 eur in 45 real days. from 20 eur to 360 ..... ouch

    Pros: you really try to change the game in such a manner that will benefit all the players. It’s a hard job because, no matter what change you make, someone will get angry and upset and will start to blame you. Each round, every small change, tries to rectify a wrong in the game. Taking also in consideration that a lot of players bother you on your private chat, it is understandable (until a point) you have somewhat an adversity when it comes to answer to queries. never the less it is nice when someone acknowledge your hard work.

    P.S.: again - you are allowed and can change the game and prices ANY way you like. I was just merely pointing out the change from then to now (i never said it is wrong nor good). Stupid is not the guy who asks form something, but the guy who pays for it.

    P.P.S.: what's the difference between you play "for fun with vip and 1k credits" and me who play for fun for free?

    i wish everyone all the best in the world.
    the clown of thecrims

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Razvan, my suggestion with the huge amount of money you showed us you posses :

    Hire a team of devs , pay around 20 to 50 k euros to make your own game, buy like 10 or 20 servers and then and only then make your game " Free to play "

    PS : Please stop spamming my posts with your complaints, we get it , you want things in life to be free ... I made this post to talk about specific things. Some people understood it and contacted me with constructive things, clearly you do not get that.
    So next time you spam your useless rants I will do you a solid and remove the stress that is TC FORUM from your life. Spam is annoying .... so If you want to cry about 7 euros make a different post PLEASE !!!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by alina View Post
    Sorry Beby, but i stopped reading after the 2nd line, just after you said "1 VIP pack and probably around 1000 credits". The VERY FIRST line a player sees when he opens is this: "Welcome to a new reality!
    The Crims is a Free Online RPG". End of discussion. No matter how you try to turn it. I understand and accept that you can change your game the way you want (it's your privilege and NO ONE can push you to do otherwise) but the word FREE and vip don't come together (not to add the credits). Let's do a simple maths: Before you overtook the game, it used to be 200 credits vip and that was all. basically a player had to buy credits for about 20 eur and he can play the whole round full throttle. now, with your changes (AGAIN: you have the right to change the game however you want), a player needs:

    Vip – 50 eur (non sharable codes, otherwise 60 eur with sharable codes, not to mention you need vip on multis also, so you can move stats)
    - 20 mafioso starter
    - 100 – buildings upgrade
    - 100 – hookers upgrade
    - 100 – weapons upgrade
    - Casino: 12 per day x 47 days = 564 for the round
    - Boats: about 8 ships x 15 credits per ship = 120
    - University: 150 x 2 = 300 (you will need 600 more for lvl 2 and 3)
    - Stock market: 10 x 10 = 100
    - Last day training 4 x 150 = 600
    - Bank investment every 4 days: 5 x 12 = 60
    - Weapons to buy (so you don’t use money): 135
    - Guards: 50
    - Laboratory – instant upgrades: 60
    During game credits:
    - Detox: every time you reach about 82 % - 85 % addiction you use 5 credits (at around 100 tickets). About 4 detox per 4 thecrims days: 20 x 13 = 260
    - About 30 deaths during round: 30 x 10 = 300. Besides that you need credits to get out of hospital, after you get hit, you will need also credits to up your hp bar so maybe next attack you won’t lose. So another 5 x 30 = 150

    Total: about 3619. Let’s make it round 4k credits.

    All expenses included (vip and credits) – easily 120 Eur (with multis vip included).

    After you draw the line you can see the results: before = 20 eur for 45 real days (full 180 thecrims days); now, 120 eur for 12 real days, which translates in 360 eur in 45 real days. from 20 eur to 360 ..... ouch

    Pros: you really try to change the game in such a manner that will benefit all the players. It’s a hard job because, no matter what change you make, someone will get angry and upset and will start to blame you. Each round, every small change, tries to rectify a wrong in the game. Taking also in consideration that a lot of players bother you on your private chat, it is understandable (until a point) you have somewhat an adversity when it comes to answer to queries. never the less it is nice when someone acknowledge your hard work.

    P.S.: again - you are allowed and can change the game and prices ANY way you like. I was just merely pointing out the change from then to now (i never said it is wrong nor good). Stupid is not the guy who asks form something, but the guy who pays for it.

    P.P.S.: what's the difference between you play "for fun with vip and 1k credits" and me who play for fun for free?

    i wish everyone all the best in the world.
    the clown of thecrims
    Dude, here you are talking and calculating the costs for a player that goes hardcore, all in for top 1 inter..if you are playing for fun, just for a top 20 ending and maybe a top country and top gang medal then all you need it's like 1 VIP and 1k credits which costs 20 euro, just like before, like you said. If you are not going for top 1 respect, then why on earth would you pay credits for: university, stock market, weapons, guards, detox ? why would you buy 5 VIPs if you play for fun? 5 VIPs are needed if you try for top 1 but not even then 100% needed, you can win top 1 with 1-3 VIPs.

    Compared to other online browser based games(and trust me, i tried most of them) TC is cheap as **** and it gives REAL MONEY prizes. There are other games where you are required to spend at least 200 euro / round to have the smallest chance possible to be relevant in the game and in the end, when the round finishes, you are not winning anything lol.

    And the most annoying thing is that you are comparing the costs of TC with what it was 4-5 years ago. Well, how much did everything cost in a supermarket 5 years ago compared to nowadays? Do you think the inflation does not affect TC too? Do you think they are paying for the servers in 2022 as much as they were paying in 2015?

    The last thing that I want to say, is that you are not playing the game for fun, for free like you are saying. You are playing the game, giving up on your free time as a "trading coin". You are giving up on the most important thing in your life, the time which is limited. Now it's up to you if you want to spend those 20 hours weekly doing absolutely nothing in the game with no VIP/credits bought, or you want to actually try to win anything back.

  7. #7


    Now you guys check whether businessman is put on disadvantage here or not, look at this case.

    In beta day 27 Illuminati rob is happening. Illuminati can be accessed by level 11 and above only. Meanwhile businessman still can not level up to 11 because waiting for 4th ship on day 32.
    If other professions can already access Illuminati while businessman can't. Doesn't it sound like businessman is on disadvantage here?

    If this case can be happened in beta, then it also can be happened in production/live version too. Isn't it ridiculous?

    Do some actual calculation about ship! And also recalculate those money disadvantage from roberries.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by SepedaOntel View Post
    Now you guys check whether businessman is put on disadvantage here or not, look at this case.

    In beta day 27 Illuminati rob is happening. Illuminati can be accessed by level 11 and above only. Meanwhile businessman still can not level up to 11 because waiting for 4th ship on day 32.
    If other professions can already access Illuminati while businessman can't. Doesn't it sound like businessman is on disadvantage here?

    If this case can be happened in beta, then it also can be happened in production/live version too. Isn't it ridiculous?

    Do some actual calculation about ship! And also recalculate those money disadvantage from roberries.
    BETA IS BETA ... dont worry about it !!!

  9. #9


    If in beta you can create such a ridiculous condition, how come you are so sure that it won't happened in production ? give me 100% solid proof.

    This might worry me that this stupid case can be happened in production.

    And you can only say
    Quote Originally Posted by Bebynho20 View Post
    BETA IS BETA ... dont worry about it !!!
    Lol. Such an answer that can ruin this game, ignoring people's opinion.



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