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  1. #1

    Default VIP Package prices

    So, I was thinking about buying vip packages for my gang and wondered whether there would be a discount if one bought multiple packages. What I came accross left me a bit confused:

    "VIP Package Platinum
    Price: 10 EUR

    Buy 6 VIP Package Platinum - Shareable codes
    Price: 60 EUR
    Buy 6 VIP packs for a discounted price. You will receive a voucher code for each package that you can use to activate the package. The codes can be shared and used by any player."

    I'm not sure if those 2 options are exactly the same product (except one of them is shareable and bundled), but if so, I guess there's no discount at all if you wanna buy multiple VIP packages, am I right? I mean... if I bought 6 vips codes for me and my gang members I would spend exactly the same amount as each of them buying themselves a single VIP package, right? So... where exactly is the "discounted price"?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello MariaCalleri,

    We have made 2 options. For a player who wishes to buy vip for his own account, you can get discount.

    But, if you buy for others, we do not make discount. Because it is abusable.

    For example; 10 player from same country, can collect money on 1 person. That person buy with discount and gives the codes. So, in that case, game might lose business.

    It is better if 1 person buys his own vip. Of course, we did not want to leave you without option.

    You can buy vip codes as shareable codes. But in this case, you do not receive any discount either you buy 1 or 10.

    You are right on 1 point. Explanation is wrong. It says discount. We can make an update on the text.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  3. #3


    Thanks for your reply. If I buy 3 vips for myself, I can activate them on different rounds, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by eagleking52 View Post
    Hello MariaCalleri,

    We have made 2 options. For a player who wishes to buy vip for his own account, you can get discount.

    But, if you buy for others, we do not make discount. Because it is abusable.

    For example; 10 player from same country, can collect money on 1 person. That person buy with discount and gives the codes. So, in that case, game might lose business.

    It is better if 1 person buys his own vip. Of course, we did not want to leave you without option.

    You can buy vip codes as shareable codes. But in this case, you do not receive any discount either you buy 1 or 10.

    You are right on 1 point. Explanation is wrong. It says discount. We can make an update on the text.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United Kingdom


    Yes that’s right you can
    Ex Game Manager
    [email protected]



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