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  1. #21


    Ved su tam traja tak nevedia co od radosti asi robit

  2. #22


    Viete ludia nesere ma to ze som sa s tym sral a oni spravia pravidla ake by som spravil cestou domov autobuse na kolene...mna stve jedno...ze tym ze oni chcu posobit ako dajaky sud ktory bude vynasat precedenty tak tu vidim velku smolu pre hracov...pretoze 1. oni nebudu mat cas 2. bude to v anglictine takze bud si to prelozte alebo Valistar bude hold tu sedavat do rana...3. sice su kratsie ale aby si na vedel ci daco neporusis budes musiet precitat vela vela stran na fore, a casom toho bude fakt dost. a citat skutkovu podstatu co sa stalo a potom to ci je to na ban je kravina. a myslim ze sa to nebude stihat prekladat. Ak to chceli spravit tak aby novy hraci si citali tie pravidla tak zabudli na starych hracov ktory radsej precitaju 1,5 strany pravidiel ako 0,5 strany pravidiel vseobecnych + 10 stran precedentov, ktore mozno budu aj v anglictine. Priznam sa ze ma nasralo to ze to nevzali ale hlavne sposob ako argumentovali, cize niak. Len ze je to nahovno a ich sposob si vyhovorit nedali. Ja som po tom povedal ze koncim v Crew...Ebichuman sa ale ospravedlnil. No ja si tie pravidla necham v PC, pretoze vidim uz ze onedlho ich budem musiet pouzit.
    P.S. Nepozerajte filmy o americkej justicii...system americkeho prava je zlozitejsi ako ten nas aj ked podla Matlocka to tak nevyzera, pretoze ak vela pozerate take veci tak potom chcete taky system aplikovat vsade pretoze je zdanlivo jednoduchy. Ale nie je to tak a nerobte chybu ako robia svedi, lebo asi mam pocit ze oni toho prava maju nastudovaneho viac ako ja

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by slipknot4me
    P.S. Nepozerajte filmy o americkej justicii...system americkeho prava je zlozitejsi ako ten nas aj ked podla Matlocka to tak nevyzera, pretoze ak vela pozerate take veci tak potom chcete taky system aplikovat vsade pretoze je zdanlivo jednoduchy. Ale nie je to tak a nerobte chybu ako robia svedi, lebo asi mam pocit ze oni toho prava maju nastudovaneho viac ako ja
    zasvet mna nepozeraca Matclocka do tajov americkej justicie teda tej televiznej

  4. #24


    no ja v mojom prekladatelskom panely vidim stale stare pravidla len aktualizovane o par bodov. tie nove, skratene, pravidla tam nemam na preklad... slip mozes mi zistit ci to prekladat alebo co robit??

  5. #25


    Vali tie skratene su oficialne napisane a developeri ich beru ako fakt...Wendy akurat pisala ze ano mas to urobit..takze tie skratene urob

  6. #26


    Text to translate:

    <h2>1 .Your Behaviour</h2>
    1.1 The Crims is an online computer game made for adults;
    1.1.1 You need to be of age or have your parents’ permission to play TC
    1.1.2 Through playing The Crims you declare your of lawful age, or that you have your parents’ permission
    1.2 It’s not forbidden to curse and insult other players in the game, as The Crims is a game made for adults, as long as offences aren’t racist-, Nazist or religion-based.
    1.2.1 Every Nazist, racist, nationality, sexual or religion based discrimination, harassment or insult will result in a permanent ban;
    1.2.2 If someone annoys you by insulting; use the ignore tool in personal profile menu.
    1.3 It’s totally forbidden to post any racist, Nazi or religion based contents/insults both in the game or on the forum,
    1.3.1 Every such attempt will result permanent ban;
    1.4 It’s forbidden to curse and insult other players on TC Forum;
    1.4.1 Cursing and Insulting a TC Crew Member, anywhere, can result in a ban. Crew exists to help you, be nice to them and they will be nice to you;
    1.5 It’s forbidden to use any porn images in game or on forum;
    1.6 It’s forbidden to use bots and any unauthorized scripts and software to play TC,
    1.6.1 Using unauthorized software can result in a permanent ban
    1.6.2 If you’re not sure of your software authorization – contact TC Crew;
    1.7 It’s forbidden to use the Opera Browser to play The Crims;
    1.8 If you discover a bug or a feature in the game that does not function as expected then it is your obligation to report this error as soon as possible. It is strictly forbidden to take advantage of any bugs or errors.
    1.8.1 Taking any advantages of bugs or errors may result in a permanent ban of your account.
    1.9 It's forbidden to link sites which abuses our rules.
    <h2>2. Accounts</h2>
    2.1 It’s not forbidden to own more than one account;
    2.2 It’s not forbidden to play on more than one account via one PC;
    2.3 It’s not forbidden to share your account with someone else,
    2.3.1 If an account is shared, the owner is the person, that created that account, or that owns the mail, on which the account is registered;
    2.3.2 If a shared account is stolen, TC Crew members will give it back to the account owner &#40;see 2.3.1&#41;
    2.3.3 The shared account is a password sharing account so the owner must choose a trusted player to share with.
 The Game Owners are not responsible if the other player milked the account or stole its credits and TC Crew members will not take an action in such cases;
    2.4 It’s forbidden to steal accounts,
    2.4.1 Any hack attempt will result permanent ban of the whole IP, or if it’s not possible – of every account of the hacker;
    2.4.2 If an account is stolen, TC Crew members will give it back to the account owner without any changes. We won’t rollback your statistics or credits;
    2.4.3 It's forbidden to steal/milk other user account's stats, money or credits with help of any activity, that violates the rules.
    2.5 It’s up to you to keep your account safe. Don’t give your password to the strangers, don’t use the same nickname as your mail, etc., etc;
    2.6 It’s forbidden to con any account information out of other users in any way;
    2.6.1 Any attempt to get other users passwords will result in a permanent ban of the whole IP;
    2.7 It’s forbidden to pose as TC Crew Member if you’re not;
    2.8 It’s forbidden to sell/buy a TC account, as its TC’s owners' property,
    2.8.1 Any such attempt will result perm ban;
    2.8.2 It is also forbidden to transfer/donate an account to another player;
    2.8.3 It is allowed to sell stats of an account as long, as it don't abuse rule 2.8 and 2.8.2; User which sells or buys stats does it at his own risk, we won't deal with such cases anyway
    2.9 It’s forbidden to use a proxy to change the flag of your account.
    2.9.1 Using proxy to play tc is not forbidden, but we don't like it as it makes our work harder, so we are not supporting them. In fact, we block every proxy adress we know.
    <h2>3. Square, Guestbook and Chats inside Raves and Pubs</h2>
    3.1 It’s forbidden to spam or flood in any way,
    3.1.1 it’s forbidden to repeat the same message, even if you use other words;
    3.1.2 it’s forbidden to repeat the same message on various squares;
    3.1.3 Every flood case can result in permban
    3.2 It’s forbidden to advertise any rave, pub or hooker mansion;
    3.3 It's forbidden to use any other language than english or the language of the chat you're on at the time
    3.4 It’s forbidden to spam and flood with multi-accounts
    3.4.1 Spamming with multi-accounts may result in a ban of every accounts of the spammer.
    3.5 It's forbidden to advertise any bots and macros;
    3.6 It's forbidden to spread any info about game bugs, even if they are not true.
    <h2>4. Credits</h2>
    4.1 It’s forbidden to buy TC credits with fraudulent money;
    4.1.1 Buying TC credits with fraudulent money will result in a permanent ban of account, and may even result in a ban of whole IP;
    4.2 It’s forbidden to resell TC credits without authorization from TC Development Crew;
    4.2.1 Unauthorized credits reselling will result in a permanent ban;
    4.3 It’s forbidden to buy TC credits from non-authorized sources;
    4.4 It’s forbidden to con credits out of other users in any way,
    4.4.1 Conning credits out of other users will result in a permanent ban;
    4.5 TC Crew doesn’t pay back money for credits from banned accounts;
    4.6 It’s forbidden to post any links or codes related with SMS codes or with credits at all.
    <h2>5. Forum</h2>
    5.1 It is forbidden to spam and repeat messages;
    5.2 Always search for your answer in the forum or in the game documentation before you post your question in the forum.
    5.3 The Crims Forum is first and foremost a place to come to contact other players and ask them questions. If you need help from The Crims Crew you should use the Support Centre.
    5.4 TC Crew can edit and delete any post or thread without giving a reason;
    5.5 Use the proper intended treads to inform us about various things – such hacking attempts, spam, and so on
    <h2>6. Cooperation with TC Crew</h2>
    6.1 Before you post anything about breaking the rules, read this tread&#58; http&#58;//
    6.2 In case of questions about a ban, contact the admin that has banned your account. Do not contact any other TC Crew member, and do not ask about other accounts bans other than your own.
    6.3 If you want to contact any TC Crew Member, don’t do it in game such as the guest book. Use the forum mail or Support Centre.
    6.4 Remember that TC administrators will NOT ever contact you personally via internet communicators to get your password or force you to buy credits. If someone does so – report him to Abuse crew!
    6.5 Members of Police Crew and Crew Leaders can ban for as long, as they think is necessary, there isn’t any “ban price list” in The Crims. Remember, that repetitive disorder will result in a higher ban, or even permanent ban. Every punishment/ban is logged and stay in the account logs forever.
    6.6 A Full and up-to-date list of TC Crew Members can be seen on TC main page. If someone says he’s TC Crew Member, but his nick isn’t there – do not believe any word he/she says and report him to the Abuse Crew.
    Author&#58; Thorrief
    Translation&#58; Thorrief
    Retranslated &#58;Matto
    Final Translation&#58; Frazer2k4

    tak ako?

  7. #27


    Vali tie skratene co je v sekcii news od memoxa...



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