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  1. #1

    Default About making your own building

    Can someone post what building produces what?

    For example,

    Weed field --> Weed

    LSD Lab -----> LSD

    I've searched and I've found nothing related to this.

  2. #2


    Goto buildings at left bar. buy a building for your self.

    These buildings will produce drugs everyday according to their capacity.

    After they have produced drugs, you need to collect them and keep drugs in rave.

    To purchase a rave, goto Businesses.

  3. #3


    mmmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder what the cocaine factory produces or the GHB Lab ..... duuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh

    read a little

  4. #4


    I know that but what I do not know is what specific building produces this specific kind of drug? It's not labeled there.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Vilnius, Lithuania



    You can find out what type of drugs every building produces just taking a look at building's title.
    However, here is the list.

    Building - > Drug

    Weed plant - > Weed
    Moonshiner - > Booze
    Hash plant - > Hash
    Whorehouse - > Doesn't produce anything. After buying building You can buy 5 more hookers.
    Brewery - > Booze
    Pharmacy - > Painkillers
    Mushroom field - > Magic mushrooms
    Weed field - > Weed
    Morphine Lab - > Morphine
    LSD Lab - > LSD
    Hooker Mansion - > Doesn't produce anything. After buying building You can buy 15 more hookers.
    Ecstacy Lab - > Ecstacy
    Opium field - > Opium
    GHB Lab - > GHB
    Special K Lab - > Special K
    Cocaine Facility - > Cocaine
    Amphetamine Lab - > Amphetamine
    Heroine Facility - > Heroine

    Wouldn't be it so hard to find out what drugs every building produces by Yourself?

    However, hope I helped You.

  6. #6


    lol heh thx for that dude hope other newbz would check this topic for future question

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Vilnius, Lithuania


    Well, let's hope so.



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