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Thread: respect.

  1. #1

    Default respect.

    how do people manage to get so much respect. i try but sooner or later dont you run out of tickets. do you get alotof respect when you do high gang robberies. alsso when i create a gang it is always gone the next day. why is that

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    AnOnyMouS UnDerGroUnD


    This is the mystery of the game.
    developers always advice players not to use more than one account.
    while you can't play for good position unless you have many helping accounts to use them for raising ur main account skills and so save your tickets.
    .-=[ TheCrims FIRST Bot HunTeR ]=-.
    What doesn't kill you, It makes you STRONGER.
    Success is like being pregnant. Everybody congratulates you, but nobody knows how many times you got ****ed up !



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