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  1. #1

    Unhappy Level Upgrade / Virtual Gangs to Events, such as Bill Gates and Warren Buffet...

    There should be virtual gangs for the events (like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet etc), otherwise it is impossible for solo players to upgrade to level 12 ...

    The top gangs are as closed as "the bank on a bank holiday", and if I am not competent enough to put up a gang of my own with at least 10 people online, I can't ever upgrade to level 12...

    That just doesn't seem fair...

    Well, another solution for this matter would be changing the requirements to upgrade the level...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    hallo ,
    virtual gangs is invariable robbery
    events make for online people they chk game every day and if you get level 11 fast this means you have gang
    and if we put this robbery in virtual gang so we must cancel events

    Last edited by SimBa; 06-25-2016 at 01:16 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    well requirements could be changed ofc but do you think that is fair for a player that plays 10 min a day to be able to achieve lvl 12 as fast as one that plays 4 h ? Shouldn't lvl 12 be something actually a little bit harder to achieve ? I have to point out that actually is quite easy to up lvls now ..... training , Fk virtuals . Things that many did not have before .

  4. #4

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by SimBa View Post
    hallo ,
    virtual gangs is invariable robbery
    events make for online people they chk game every day and if you get level 11 fast this means you have gang
    and if we put this robbery in virtual gang so we must cancel events

    Well, firstly I didn't get to level 11 "fast". And secondly, you can get to level 11 only using the virtual gangs, and that turn things a hell of a lot easier...

    Anyway, if there's nothing you can/would do, I am happy that I have made my concerns known.

    Regards (=

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    i see you talk about 1 word of my answer ( level 11 ) and what about other words ??
    anyway as Bebynho that is fair for a player that plays 10 min a day to be able to achieve lvl 12 as fast as one that plays 4 h ?
    and that what i says events make for online people they chk game every day

  6. #6


    I check the game every day and I still don't have level 12, nor do I see it happening, because just like JonSnow said, you can't get into those top gangs for event robberies.. (at least we can't) Personally I don't think that me passing the levels should be dependent on someone else inviting me to their gang, but instead how well I play the game. Also: why must you cancel events if you put the event robberies in there? You created a virtual gang for Fort Knox before it was available, why can't you create one for each of these robberies and make it open to join only on the days that the events occur?
    Last edited by Sylph; 06-25-2016 at 08:26 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I have to ask is it that hard to create a gang of 12 or 10 to rob ? I may have exaggerated with how much time one must stay online daily to reach LVL 12 since u need around 30 min to rob 200 tiks , individual robs . But I think that If we create that there will nothing special about special events no ?And another thing the sole purpose of Virtuals are to help new comers not old players who by now should be able to put together a gang of 10 to rob.
    In the last 4 5 rounds I see at least 4 gangs robbing major robs daily so clearly people can create gangs. I fear that by doing this normal gangs will suffer

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Bebynho20 View Post
    I have to ask is it that hard to create a gang of 12 or 10 to rob ? I may have exaggerated with how much time one must stay online daily to reach LVL 12 since u need around 30 min to rob 200 tiks , individual robs . But I think that If we create that there will nothing special about special events no ?And another thing the sole purpose of Virtuals are to help new comers not old players who by now should be able to put together a gang of 10 to rob.
    In the last 4 5 rounds I see at least 4 gangs robbing major robs daily so clearly people can create gangs. I fear that by doing this normal gangs will suffer
    So, I see what you mean, but I am trying to say is that upgrading levels should be all about you getting things done, by yourself... Or maybe solo players just do not deserve to get to level 12 though...

    And for me it is like, well, I do know a few guys (around 10-12) that play TC, but the problem is that they are not into the game, as I am... they are only erratic players who actually don't care.. And beside that point the worst for me is that most of the players I know/play with are in Brazil, but as I am in a 10 hours difference time zone it gets very difficult to rob with them steadily...

  9. #9


    I was thinking about it, and you actually do not need to change it much... You could just add something like "You must have participated in at least 300 Warren Buffet, Bill Gates or The Vatican robberies. "

    That would certainly help a great deal to whoever aspire to upgrade to level 12.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by JonSnow View Post
    I was thinking about it, and you actually do not need to change it much... You could just add something like "You must have participated in at least 300 Warren Buffet, Bill Gates or The Vatican robberies. "

    That would certainly help a great deal to whoever aspire to upgrade to level 12.
    Potentially 60 days later than whoever's robbing BG



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