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  1. #1

    Lightbulb The game will change, but we need work together!

    We can change!

    As I can see, over 90% of players want the return of multi accounts.
    But administrators neither want nor thinking in this change ...
    Doing live discussions, ask for suggestions for how to improve the game, but every round the only thing that changes is buying things for credits!
    If the game continues, I predict that in round 70 you can buy hookers for unlimited credits, credits for buying factories, will turn style game Happy Harvest!

    However, as most want ...
    Why not try? Why so much disagreement about the administrators back the old game system? Could try to do a test ...
    The money will decrease, but the game is a real shit, TheCrims totally changed after that Christmas, the New Year's Eve, the beginning of a new round where TheCrims would become the biggest turd of all online ...

    If we want something to change, we can do something, but we have to work together!
    I do not have much to say, but all I can suggest, or even what everyone is commenting and suggesting:
    The best round in my opinion was the 50th round,
    I think the game would improve 100% if you do one round equal to 50.
    The question of multis can be long, but we must work together, stop playing, stop paying, even for just one round ... I bet the game would completely change ...
    Nowadays I come in the game, wanting to play, then remember that to be able to get into a gang and steal I have to buy credits for leaders ...
    The game is a turd ... Change this we TheCrims the old fun, where to stay hours and hours playing, making a strategy, playing with his team was cool, was not tiring or depressing because all you'd make in the end it was worth ... it's not like now where 60 people together and make a round.

    Thanks for attention :*

    Stop thinking only of money, think of the players!

    Como eu posso ver, mais de 90% dos jogadores querem a volta das multi accounts.
    Mas os administradores não querem nem pensar nesta mudança...
    Vivem fazendo discussões, pedem sugestões para como melhorar o jogo, mas a cada round a unica coisa que muda é comprar coisas por créditos!
    Se o jogo continuar assim, prevejo que na rodada 70 você poderá comprar putas ilimitadas por créditos, comprar fabricas por créditos, vai virar um jogo estilo colheita feliz!

    Porém, como a maioria deseja...
    Porque não tentar? Porque tanta discórdia dos administradores sobre voltar o antigo sistema de jogo? Poderiam tentar, façam um teste...
    O dinheiro diminuirá, porém o jogo está uma verdadeira merda, o thecrims mudou totalmente após aquele natal, a virada de ano, começo de um novo round onde o thecrims viraria a maior bosta online de todas...

    Se quisermos que algo mude, podemos fazer algo, porém temos de trabalhar juntos!

    Não tenho muito o que falar, porém só o que posso sugerir, ou até o que todos estao comentando e sugerindo:

    O melhor round na minha opinião foi a rodada 50,
    Acho que melhoraria 100% o jogo se vocês fizessem um round igual ao 50.

    A questao de multis pode demorar muito, mas devemos trabalhar juntos, pararmos de jogar, pararmos de pagar, nem que seja por apenas uma rodada... aposto que o jogo mudaria completamente...
    Hoje em dia eu entro no jogo, com vontade de jogar, aí lembro que pra poder entrar em uma gang e roubar eu tenho que comprar créditos para os líderes...
    O jogo está uma bosta... Mude isso, queremos o thecrims antigo, divertido, onde ficar horas e horas jogando, fazendo uma estratégia, jogando com sua equipe era legal, não era cansativo nem deprimente, pois tudo que faziamos no final valia a pena...
    Não é como agora onde juntam 60 pessoas e ganham a rodada.

    Obrigado pela atenção!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Nice Enrico, more the money that multies would give, be same to money of today, or could be more, why the bests are stopping of play, no want be noob and play with 60 nerds (camels), this is stupid. If back multies all players will buy credits to make the round and spent credits per make respect for try top gg, and try top inter. And with multies much peoples spent credits with sherlok for spy rave of players, gangs, and others things.
    We want multies, more the crew no want lose time spying 50k of accounts this is the really! The crew are the problem, and theys need follow idea of memox of no back multies, why memox want just money. what that we can make are stop if not are happy with the game. And wait the game improve.
    Todday go see peoples online = 200 máx 1.2k, in start, when put just one account for player, the number was 3.5k of players. in other words 66% or more of players stopped of play!
    Team with 60 players = just 1 spent credits, team with 4 peoples = 15 team spent credits.
    The round 50 was good, more 46 was nice too, and 41 too. all rounds with multies was good, now for me the best gangs about, nEw wORLD oRDER, was finished and Legends Never Die too, and the bests players stopped.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Hi, if TC were about money then the game wouldn't be running anymore. The new features added for credits have been suggestions from players.

    I want to make it clear why I am against multis. In the past when we had 10-15k online people were online with one account per server. At times we were running 10 servers which means out of 15k online only 1.5k were "real" persons. Our online counter has always shown the number of accounts logged in an not unique IPs. Why stop at 10 accounts per person? We've seen single players controlling 1000s of accounts. They are not played all at once of course but the only way to control a big number of accounts in an efficient manner is to get leverage by using macros or bots. So, multis tend to make the game more bot prone. That is the first and main reason I am against multis. The second reason is that allowing multis creates a very strange game for new players, how do you explain to a new player that you must create and manage 50 accounts in order to have a chance to win? There were huge complaints in the past about this.

    Please tell me how you think these concerns should and could be managed.

    Continuing, what are the main things you want to use your multis for? If you were allowed to only select 1 or 2 things that a multi should be able to do what would it be (for example participate in gang robberies and own drug factories)?

    We are not here to create a game that nobody wants to play, our goal is to create a fun, fair unique game. Crew
    Support Center

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Braga, Portugal



    If u don't want multis, why single persons cant reach the top like the gangs? the name of the game is "The life of a Criminal" not "GANGS LIFE".

    Is very funny to play in gang, but inside of this world no one is trustful, so i want to win by myself.

    Multis are not the best way to play, i agree, but buying credits for the "pimps", no thank you.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by az0man0 View Post

    If u don't want multis, why single persons cant reach the top like the gangs? the name of the game is "The life of a Criminal" not "GANGS LIFE".

    Is very funny to play in gang, but inside of this world no one is trustful, so i want to win by myself.

    Multis are not the best way to play, i agree, but buying credits for the "pimps", no thank you.

    It is obvious that we have failed to create a way for stable gangs to exist with members that trust each other. From your post I take it that you primarily want multis for the gang functions which are gang assaults and gang robberies, right? Does anyone else share this view? I would really like to know what your thoughts are in this question and in the questions I raised above. Crew
    Support Center

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Braga, Portugal


    Quote Originally Posted by memox View Post
    It is obvious that we have failed to create a way for stable gangs to exist with members that trust each other. From your post I take it that you primarily want multis for the gang functions which are gang assaults and gang robberies, right? Does anyone else share this view? I would really like to know what your thoughts are in this question and in the questions I raised above.
    No, im against multis, but shouldn´t we have to balance single players and gangs? multis are a rong way, but i think from my expirience, when u are not depending from the others, many users will join the game, because they play as they want.

    See that someone new enter the game and starts die, all the time, he will go way and play no more. In some way multis will give something to single players that make them to reach levels.

    If u could put a limit about 6 acc, i must acept that, even against multi.
    And we cant please everyone, i got credits, but if i can not do something alone i´ll stop playing, and many users will.

    Maybe, i guess, if is a life of a criminal, why gangs?

    Take out the gangs system, how about a gang robb, but no gang

    This is a thought, i could go to gang robb and set a gang robb against value transp, and then other users will see that a gang rob is needed and join in, but the gang never exists, unstead to robb, ppl will starts many gang robbs and users can accept all the time, of course if u are not quikly anough u will miss some robb, gangs robb will happen all the time, and a new concept of cover should be too. (talk about this)

    About tjhe kills should be only 1vs1.

    just thinking
    Last edited by az0man0; 05-23-2013 at 12:20 AM.

  7. #7


    Ohh memox here....

    Ok -
    u say : Fair and fun game? where is the fun? If you want play for top on game you need 60 members on team, you cant make a good game alone... The fun of thecrims is can make a good game/good stats alone...

    and, about botters... All time of thecrims have botters, is easy make a bot, now have botters, and ever will have botters. but with multis you dont need stay 24hours on tc robbing robbing using the tickets to make a good game...

    To players know how to manage multis, tutorials need be createds, but in old times all players learned alone...

    Game with multi is very most fun... U can make a team, play with trust accounts, make a big strategy, and a very funny game!

    About online players... U know, tc never will return at 11~15k on, but u dont will lost players... all peoples will play.

    You can lost players if tc continue this big shit...

    sorry by bad english, and im not talking just by me... i talking by 80~90% of peoples that want multi again!

    Thanks memox and please! Make the "VOICE OF PLAYERS" count!

    Round same rr50!

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by 82Rullez View Post
    If you want play for top on game you need 60 members on team, you cant make a good game alone... The fun of thecrims is can make a good game/good stats alone...

    and, about botters... All time of thecrims have botters, is easy make a bot, now have botters, and ever will have botters.
    Game with multi is very most fun... U can make a team, play with trust accounts, make a big strategy, and a very funny game!
    - Why you think that changing to multi game you won't need same number of players in a team to reach a good top?

    - Yes, maybe you are right, we always have botters, but why have many of them and be more hard to catch when we can check "each" person instead of losing time checking 100 account for person? I mean "each" because we can't check all accounts...

    - Now we are checking for multi, but if we would bring back multi we will need to check for accounts being in rabbit mode, sharing, hacking and not for 1-2 accounts but for 100 accounts each player.

    So, now I'm asking, which one is more fair game and easy to play? Multi or not multi game?

    You also say that you can make your own gang and rob, make more levels alone, ok, I agree with that, but can you rob CR - FK alone with 18 accounts? Can all of you make your own gang to rob FK? More fun you say...I'm asking you where is the fun in making all the round "alone" robberies with the gang to reach x money, buy stats and milk the gang? Where is the BIG STRATEGY in all this?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    I would really like to get answers to these questions:

    - What are the main purposes of multis? What do you want to use them for? Gang robberies, gang assaults, everything?
    - How many multis do you need?
    - Should we allow bots and macros as well if we allow multis?

    I have a proposal that would be quite a bit like multis but I want to know your thoughts on the questions above before I present it.
    You can't just say it is the voice of the players and therefore we should do it, there is a reason we don't allow multis anymore and we are at the core of those reasons now. Crew
    Support Center

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by az0man0 View Post
    This is a thought, i could go to gang robb and set a gang robb against value transp, and then other users will see that a gang rob is needed and join in, but the gang never exists, unstead to robb, ppl will starts many gang robbs and users can accept all the time, of course if u are not quikly anough u will miss some robb, gangs robb will happen all the time, and a new concept of cover should be too. (talk about this)
    I think this is a very interesting idea, I have put it up in the discussion board in TC for everyone to see. I think this could replace the virtual gangs completely. Crew
    Support Center



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