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  1. #1

    Default The new game developments - feedback

    Hello there,

    I hope everyone doing great. As you all know me I like to be straight to the point, simple, and brief.
    So, this round '131' I played as a hitman. I spent over 300 dollars between my main and multi and the credits and VIP. Spending so much money to win top killer and then have your game ruined due to wrong management actions:

    Changes mid round:

    making the round change in the middle of the round is totally wrong. First i think its unprofessional action because we are all used to have the changes done between the rounds never mid round.
    Such action affected so many players and i am one of them. As soon as that happened I was targeted by the other 5 top killers competing who are a team. they abused and took advantage of such change by making relations with each other
    and targeting those off the team or those that wont bend to their wishes. Which leads many good players to stop the game and maybe regret spending money on it because of how the management of the game is not doing anything to solve such issue.
    Your actions lead to me wasting my money for nothing, which is really emotionally provoking.


    I think there is some changes that need to be done to the character of hitman to solve such issues.

    the relations: i think from now on the character hitman should have no protection as other character by making a relation with someone. in other words, making a relation should be only to invite to gang for hitman.

    The vip change: I think if this is how the new system going to be i think it should bemodified a little: you ask how? okay.. well lets take vip 1 as example. the vip 1 says that if the player gets 75 kills the protection of 1% will be removed. Well, in this case i dont think it should be removed totally. but it should give the other players 10 or 20 more kills with full percentage after hitting the kills limit then it goes back to 1%.

    Why do i say all this?

    Well as a player who spent a lot and in the end was targeting by bunch of friends to get milked after such change was made mid round. It stops bullying and targeting and balances the character hitman which is a solo play. in other words, its all about being the best killer its not supposed to be played with other hitman against other hitmans. its not how it works.

    when i stayed up most of the night me and my trust (Arnold) i get to a point i knew i lost because of the management and the broken system of the game, along side the bullies or the team that targeted me. I am so frustrated by this and upset.
    Last edited by xKNDx; 09-02-2021 at 09:58 PM.

  2. #2


    ROFLcopter saying that the change was done mid round shows how clueless you are as it's been announced LITERALLY EVERYWHERE BEFORE the round started:

    After 10 assaults by or on the same player the stats change is limited to 1% (this disappears after 300 kills)

    The reason why the change was done MID round (which is sad) is because the feature itself was bugged and you were losing only 1% even though you had more than 300 kills. The only thing they did was FIXING it. Regardless, I do agree with you, that change is unfair as **** and bad for players with no experience as hitman like you.

  3. #3


    I personally don't understand why every hunter believes that he MUST have stats even though he is losing at least 500 hits in a round. Why do people believe it's normal to lose 25k stats when they have over 10kk stats and 1 street fight gets them 80k stats. This 1% thing from the VIP was introduced like 2 years ago and before that this protection never existed and people never complained. Now they saw it's possible to make huge stats even though they are a punching bag the whole round which in my opinion it's not right. And the 5% stays just for wounded hits from what I know , so even though the "protection" expired, if you have 3 times less power than the attacker, you will still lose 1% which is the same as the VIP protection.

    About the fact that 1 team is controlling everything, this is normal. It happened before, it happens now and it will forever happen. There's nothing you can do to prevent 1 team from helping each other. I don't even want to remind you about the old times when the raves had names and you could search for a rave by writing the name and even adding it to favorites.

    The only thing that I agree with, is that the Relation must disappear for every profession, not only for Hitman.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by hOnda View Post
    ROFLcopter saying that the change was done mid round shows how clueless you are as it's been announced LITERALLY EVERYWHERE BEFORE the round started:

    After 10 assaults by or on the same player the stats change is limited to 1% (this disappears after 300 kills)

    The reason why the change was done MID round (which is sad) is because the feature itself was bugged and you were losing only 1% even though you had more than 300 kills. The only thing they did was FIXING it. Regardless, I do agree with you, that change is unfair as **** and bad for players with no experience as hitman like you.

    You should be CREW ... xD

    FYI i still cant understand what change he is talking about .. I mean MID ROUND !!! That has to be either because we found a major issue or this did not happen ...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello All,

    I am sorry but, there was no change during the round. There was a fix which was not possible to test on beta. Because we were supposed to make at least 75 kills to test it. So, we hoped that it works properly which it didnot. So, once we received report, we have cleared it up and we have fixed.

    Unfortunately, this was a general issue and everyone was getting affected. So, we were not able to give stats or remove stats from people for the passed 20 days.

    In this case, as hitman, you even took the advantage of this bug and you were still losing 1% after 300 kills. So, you should not be complaining about it since you were the one losing stats with this change.

    Anyway, this change was announced on changelog and on newsletter and we had announced it multiple times. In this case, we are sorry but we do not see any point on your complaints.

    Have a nice game to you all.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]



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